- Giovanni TOSATTI, Doriano CASTALDINI, Massimo BARBIERI, Giacomo D’AMATO AVANZI, Roberto GIANNECCHINI, Giuseppe MANDRONE, Maurizio PELLEGRINI, Susanna PEREGO, Alberto PUCCINELLI, Roberto W. ROMEO5, Claudio TELLINI – Additional Causes of Seismically-Related Landslides in the Northern Apennines, Italy
- BENABBAS C., ZEGHDOUD O., BOUMEDOUS S. – Particularites morpho-geologiques, neotectonique et instabilite des terrains en algerie orientale (cas du constantinois)
- Bogdan MIHAI, Ionuţ ŞANDRIC, Zenaida CHIŢU – Some contributions to the drawing of the general geomorphic map using GIS tools. An application to Timis Mountains (Curvature Carpathians)
- Alina GHERGHINA, Florina GRECU, Paola MOLIN – Morphometrical Analysis of Microdepressions in the Central Baragan Plain (Romania)
- MARMI R., KACIMI M., BOULARAK M. – Les mouvements de terrain dans la region de mila (Algérie nord-orientale) : impact sur les infrastructures
- Maria RĂDOANE, Nicolae RĂDOANE, Ionuţ CRISTEA, Dinu GANCEVICI-OPREA – Evaluarea modificărilor contemporane ale albiei râului Prut pe graniţa românească
- Alfred VESPREMEANU-STROE, Petru URDEA, Florin TĂTUI, Ştefan CONSTANTINESCU, Luminiţa PREOTEASA, Mirela VASILE, Răzvan POPESCU – Date noi privind morfologia lacurilor glaciare din Carpaţii Meridionali
- Lucian BLAGA, Dorina Camelia ILIEŞ – Probleme de evoluţie a reţelei de văi din Munţii Plopişului
- Anca MUNTEANU – The impact of Avalanches Onto the Anthropic Activities, on the Western Slope of Piatra Craiului Massif
- Cristina GHIŢĂ – The Microrelief as Result of Morphohydroclimatic Conditions in Mostistea River Basin
- Giovanni PALMENTOLA – Professor Honoris Causa, dell’Universita’ di Bucarest. In memoriam, (8 martie 1939 – 4 octombrie 2007) (Florina GRECU)
- The 12th Italy-Romania-Belgium-France Geomorphological Meeting, Climatic change and related landscapes, Savona (Italy), 26-29 September 2007 (Paolo Roberto FEDERICI)
- Al XXIV-lea Simpozion Naţional de Geomorfologie, Gheorgheni, 29-30 iunie 2007 (Florina GRECU)
- 11th INTERPRAEVENT CONGRESS 2008 ”Protection of populated territories from floods, debris flows, mass movements and avalanches”, 26-30 Mai 2008 Dornbrin – Vorarlberg, Austria (Anca MUNTEANU)