
Dr. Alfred Vespremeanu-Stroe (Associate Professor) DETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Shoreline evolution, Holocene evolution of coastal landscape, storm climate and morphological impact, Beach – dune interactions, nearshore sandbar dynamics, river mouths.
Dr. C. Brânduș (Prof.dr.em) DETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interests: studies of valley regional geomorphology; fluvial terraces; fluvial piracy; studies of palaeogeomorphology
Dr. Crina Miclăuș (Reader) DETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Sedimentology, depositional systems in space and time, paleogeographic reconstruction, analysis of bounding surface in stratigraphic records, base level control on depositional system stacking, sequence stratigraphy, allocyclic controls on sedimentation, sediment provenance
Drd. Delia Robu (PhD student) DETAILS (RO/EN)
 Research interest: Fluvial geomorphology, paleochannels, sedimentological lab methods, GIS.
Dr. Ioana Perşoiu (CS)     DETAILS (RO/EN)    
Research interest: Late Quaternary fluvial processes; Neotectonic control on the river channels; Channel and floodplain behaviour at different time scales (101 – 103 years); Geoarcheology
Dr. Ionuț Cristea (Lecturer) DETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: River valley geomorphometry; river channel geomorphometry; reconstruction of river channel network evolution based on historical documents; tectonics and structural role in evolution of the river, GIS techniques in geomorphology (case studies in the basin Putna Vrancea)
Dr. Francisca Chiriloaei (Assistant) DETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Braiding channels, river channel geomorphometry, historical evolution of river channels, Implications of riparian vegetation in river channel dynamics, Evolution models of river channel for medium and short time
Dr. Luminiţa Preoteasa (Researcher) DETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Dune morphology and evolution, beach – dune interactions, Holocene evolution of coastal landscape, aeolian sand transport.
Dr. Maria Rădoane (Professor)     DETAILS (RO/EN)    
Research interest: natural vs human interventions on the river channel changes, longitudinal profiles, dams in geomorphology, ice jam phenomenon, channel deposits, bimodality phenomenon, sediment dynamics, fluvial processes in the Late Holocene, sufossil oak dendrochronology
Dr. Olimpiu POP (Lector univ.)     DETAILS (RO/EN)    
Domenii de interes: Mountain geomorphological processes; Interactions between geomorphological processes – trees (dendrogeomorphology); Interactions between geomorphological processes in mining areas – trees (dendroecological); Geomorphological hazards and tourism.
Dr. Răzvan Săcrieru (Geography teacher)     DETAILS (RO/EN)    
Research interest: River channel morphodynamics, transversal works effects in landforms dynamics, geoarcheology, reconstruction of Holocene palaeogeography
Dr. Ştefan Constantinescu (Associate Professor)     DETAILS (RO/EN)    
Research interest: Cartography and GIS in coastal analysis, shoreline evolution, delta morphodynamics, sea cliff, anthropogenic influence on deltas.