Dr. Laura TÎRLĂ (Assistant professor) | |||
tirla@geo.unibuc.ro |
Research interest: Structural and tectonic geomorphology of karst terrains; Relationship between geology and karst systems development; Evolution of sedimentary basins and carbonate platforms; Paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on speleothem analysis; Geomorphological mapping |
Dr. Virgil DRĂGUȘIN (Researcher 3rd degree) | DETAILS (RO/EN) |
virgil.dragusin@iser.ro | |||
Research interest: Karst geomorphology and landscape evolution; Speleothem paleoclimatology; Karst water geochemistry |
CS Ionuț Mirea (Scientific Researcher) | |||
ionut.mirea@iser.ro |
Research interest: Palaeoenvironmental changes revealed by multi-proxy records from caves; Stable isotope variations in water and speleothems; Paleontology; Taphonomy |
Teodor COJOCARU (MSc Student) | DETAILS (RO/EN) |
teodordanielcojocaru@gmail.com | |||
Research interest: Tectonic-structural geomorphology of karst terrains; GIS-based karst systems vulnerability assessment; Reconstruction of continental paleoenvironments through speleothem analysis |