
Dr. Dorina Camelia Ilieş (Professor) DETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Identification and inventory of geomorphological heritages; Geomorphosite mapping and assessment methodologies; The human impact on geomorphosites; Geomorphological patrimony, protecting and promoting; Geotourism; Geodiversity, Geoconservation and Geopark; Natural heritage management
Dr. Emil Marinescu (Lecturer) Emil MarinescuDETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Geomorphosites and conservation; Physical geography
Dr. Ioan Bâca (Lecturer) Ioan BâcaDETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Geomorphologic patrimony; Geomorphosite mapping; Human impact on geomorphosites; Touristical promotion; Geotourism; Geoarcheosites – identification, assesment; Geodiversity, Geoconservation and Geoparks; Geomorphosite management
Dr. Ioan Aurel Irimuş (Professor) Ioan Aurel IRIMUŞDETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Tourism – landform relationship; Methods of geomorphosite mapping; Human impact on geomorphosites; Geomorphological patrimony; Geotourism (educational tourism, geotouristical trails, geotouristical maps); Geomorphosite management; Geomorphology and ambiental design
Dr. Ionela Georgiana Gavrilă (Researcher) Ionela Georgiana GAVRILĂDETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Geomorphosites identification and inventory; ; Methods of geomorphosite mapping; Human impact on geomorphosites; Geodiversity, Geoconservation and Geoparks; Geomorphosite management
Dr. Gabriela Cocean (Researcher) Gabriela COCEANDETAILS (RO/EN)
Research interest: Touristic potential of the landscape; Geomorphosites – inventory and protection; Travel risk geographical phenomena; Contemporary geomorphological processes impact on the activities and tourism infrastructure; Regional development; Assessment of natural and anthropogene touristic potential; Tourism planning
Dr. Laura Comănescu (Professor)     Laura Georgiana COMĂNESCUDETAILS (RO/EN)    
Research interest: Identification and inventory of geomorphological heritages; Geomorphosite mapping and assessment methodologies; The human impact on geomorphosites; Geomorphological patrimony, protecting and promoting; Geotourism; Geodiversity, Geoconservation and Geopark; Natural heritage management