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Gurguiata Mare Gully. Points used to interpolate the initial shape and the model digital realization l(I Cristea)
Development of Gurguiata Mare Gully (I Cristea)
GPS Mobile Mapper on the Gurguiata Mare Gully contour (Radoane N)
Topographic survey of Gurguiata Mica Gully NRadoane).
Gurguiata Mare Gully. Topographic survey (2 – 6 iunie 2008, NRadoane).
Calculation of the available basin relief for Trotus (M Niculita, 2012)
Spatial distribution of cuesta type slope (M Niculita, 2012)
Glaciar cirques in in M Tarcu (FArdelean et al)
Extract from geomorphological map of the river valley Putna Vrancea using GIS (I.Cristea).
TWI computed in SAGA GIS (O Csillik et al)
Segmentarea formelor de relief elementare (LDragut et al)
Multi-scale object representation (Dragut et al)
Normalization of frequency distribution (O Csillik et al)
Topographical index of humidity (L Blaga)
Glaciar cirques in GIS (F Ardelean et al)
Global classification of topography (L Dragut & C Eisank )