Dr. Adrian Grozavu
Telefon: +40729084850
Email: adriangrozavu@yahoo.com
Departamentul de Geografie, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi, Bld. Carol I, nr. 20A, 700505, Iaşi, Romania
- Hazarde şi riscuri naturale şi antropice
- Evaluarea susceptibilităţii şi riscului la alunecări de teren
- Impactul utilizării terenurilor asupra stabilităţii versanţilor
- Inventarul alunecărilor de teren în partea de est a României
- Implicarea factorului antropic în degradarea calităţii mediului
- Grozavu, A., Kocsis, L-Şt. şi colab., 2005, Dicţionar poliglot multimedia de Mediu şi Ştiinţe ale Pământului, Edit. Azimuth, Iaşi, 646 p., ISBN 973-87276-1-8.
- Grozavu, A., 2003, Subcarpaţii dintre Trotuş şi Şuşiţa. Studiu fizico-geografic, Edit. Corson, Iaşi, 317 p., ISBN 973-8225-15-9.
- Iosep, I., Grozavu, A., 2003, Cartografie. Îndrumar de activităţi asistate pentru învăţământ la distanţă, Edit. Universităţii “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, 66 p., ISBN 973-8293-92-8.
- Brânduş, C., Grozavu, A., Efros, V., Chiriţă, V., 1998, Dicţionar de termeni fizico-geografici, Edit. Chemarea, Iaşi, 438 p., ISBN 973-9237-49-5.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Patriche, C.V., Mărgărint, M.C., Roşca, B., 2013, Landslide susceptibility assessment: GIS application to a complex mountainous environment, Integrating Nature and Society towards Sustainability, J. Kozak et al. (eds.), Edit. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (in press).
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Dimitriu, R.I., 2012, La dynamique des surfaces boisées dans les cent vingt dernières années des bassins hydrographiques de Ozana et Topoliţa (Carpates Orientales, Roumanie), Terre hautes – terres basses: disparités, Hochland – Tiefland: Disparitäten, (rédaction: Furter R., Head-König A.L., Lorenzetti L., Mathieu J.), pp. 165 – 177, Edit. Cronos, Zürich, ISBN 978-3-0340-1130-3.
- Grozavu, A., Mărgărint, M.C., Patriche, C.V., 2010, GIS applications for landslide susceptibility assessment: a case study in Iaşi County (Moldavian Plateau, Romania), Risk Analysis VII & Brownfields V, Brebbia C.A. (ed.), pp. 393-404, WITpress, Southampton, ISSN 1746-4463.
- Stângă, I. C., Grozavu, A., 2012: Quantifying human vulnerability in rural areas: case study of Tutova Hills (Eastern Romania), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1987-2001, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-1987-2012.
- Grozavu, A., Mărgărint, M.C., Patriche, C.V., 2012, Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Brăieşti-Sineşti sector of Iaşi Cuesta, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7(1), pp. 39-46.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Mărgărint M.C., 2012, Indicators for the assessment of exposure to geomorphologic and hydrologic processes, Environmental Engineering Management Journal (accepted paper).
- Ceobanu, C., Grozavu, A., 2009, Psychosocial effects of the floods. Perception and attitudes, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 4(2), pp. 25-38.
- Najib, S., Grozavu, A., Mehdi, K., Breabăn, I.G., Guessir, H., Boutayeb, K., 2012, Application of the method GALDIT for the cartography of groundwaters vulnerability: aquifer of Chaouia coast (Morocco), An. Şt. Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, seria IIc, Geografie, tom LVII, pp. 79-86. http://www.analegeo.uaic.ro/index.php/SciGeo/article/view/Najib/pdf.
- Lounang Tchatchouang, F.C., Tchagang Nono, E.R., Youta Happi, J., Grozavu, A., 2012, Problematique de la conservation des formations vegetales residuelles a Batoufam dans les hautes terres de l’Ouest Cameroun, An. Şt. Univ „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, seria IIc, Geografie, tom LVII, pp. 79-86. http://www.analegeo.uaic.ro/index.php/SciGeo/article/view/Tchatchouang/pdf.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Patriche, C.V., Tomaşciuc, Ana-Maria Ioana, Urdea, Roxana, Ungurianu I., 2011, Evaluation des risques de glissements de terrain par la méthode de la régression logistique: application à deux zones basses de Roumanie, Dynamiques environnementales, 28, pp. 41-50.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Mărgărint, M.C., 2011, Comparative methods for the evaluation of the natural risks factors’s importance, Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 5(1), pp. 33-40.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Vasiliniuc, I., 2011, GIS applications in the analysis of territorial evolution of localities, Lucr. Simpoz. „Sisteme informaţionale geografice”, 15, pp. 67-78.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., 2010, The natural risks perception in Lepşa-Greşu Depression, Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 4, pp. 199-210.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Condorachi, D., Pleşcan, S., Boamfă, I., 2010, Geomorphometric features of the built areas of the localities along Iaşi Cuesta, Geographia Technica, 2/2010, pp. 79-89.