Professor at Babeș – Bolyai University, Cluj – Napoca (Faculty of Geography – Departament of Physical and Technical Geography)

: +40744677068

Faculty of Geography, Babeș-Bolyai University, 5 – 7 Clinicilor Street, Cluj – Napoca, code 400006, Cluj County.






Dynamic Geomorphology, Applied Geomorphology, Engineering Geomorphology

  • Mass movement
  • Impact of contemporary geomorphological processes in organisation of geographical space
  • Dams in geomorphology
  • Gullies – forms, processes and evolution
  • Natural Risks
  • Geomorphosites
  • Dendrogeomorphology

Methods and techniques in geomorphology

  • quantitative analysis in the study of mass movement
  • using absolute datings in reconstruction of geomorphological processes
  • mapping geomorphology
  • using dendrochronology in dating the contemporary geomorphological processes

Didactic geomorphology

  • General and Applied Geomorphology
  • Dynamic geomorphology
  • Engineering Geomorphology
  • Superficial deposits


RESEARCH PROJECTS  (2005 – 2012)

  • Natural and anthropogenic hazards in inhabited spaces in Cluj County, CNCSIS , 2000 – 2002 – manager
  • Natural potential, resources and territorial reconversion in the impact area of mining activities in Igniş, Gutăi and Văratec mountains, CNCSIS, 2002 – 2004 – member
  • Geomorphological research development by implementing dendrochronology measurements, CNCSIS, 2004 – manager
  • Geomorphological and climatic studies in the Colina quarry area, SC MINESA S.A., Cluj Napoca, 2004 – manager
  • Deep – seated landslides (Glimee) – an unique geomorphological site in the Transylvania Basin landscape, CNCSIS – PNCDI II – manager
  • Multi-criteria analysis of natural and anthropogenic hazards in Hațeg County. Integration possibilities in natural environmental impacts assessment, CNCSIS – manager




  • Rădoane, Maria, Rădoane, N., Ichim I., Surdeanu, V. (1999), Ravene. Forme, procese şi evoluţie, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 270 p.ISBN 973-595-025-1
  • Surdeanu V., (1998), Geografia terenurilor degradate. Alunecări de teren, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca
  • Driga B, Surdeanu V., (2007), Riscurile naturale din judetul Satu Mare, Ed. Arvin Press, Bucuresti, 206 pag.
  • Goțiu Dana, Surdeanu V., (2007), Notiuni fundamentale in studiul riscurilor naturale. Ed. Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj Napoca, 150 pag.
  • Surdeanu V., Goțiu Dana, (2008), Hazardele naturale si riscurile asociate din Tara Hategului, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, pag. 336.
  • Surdeanu V., M. Stoffel, O. Pop, (2010), Dendrogeomorphologie et dendroclimatologie – Methodes de reconstitution des milieux geomorphologiques et climatiques des regions montagneuses, Presa Universitară Clujeană, pag. 159.
  • Surdeanu V., Mac I., (2002), Environmental effects of the anthropic activity upon the diapir structures of the Transylvania Tableland, în vol. Documentation of Mountain Disasters. Ed. Ars Docendi, București, pg. 49 – 54.

Contributions in international books

  • Ichim, I., Mihaiu Gh., Surdeanu, V., Rădoane, Maria, Rădoane, N., (1990), Gully erosion on agricultural lands in Romania. Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land, ed. J. Boardman, I. – L. Foster and J.- Dearing, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester-London, 55 – 69. ISBN 0 471 96202 7.
  • Balteanu D., Jurchescu Marta, Surdeanu V., Ionita I., Goran C., Urdea P., Radoane Maria, Radoane N., Sima Mihaela, (2011), Recent Landform Evolution in the Romanian Carpathians and Pericarpathian Regions, , pag. 249-287, in Recent Landform Evolution. The Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Region, ed. Springer, editori: Denes Loczy, Milos Stankoviansky and Adam Kotarba, 453 pag.
  • Irimuș I. A., Petrea D., Surdeanu V., Fodorean F. Gh., Pop O. T., (2009), Reconstitution des paleo-paysages Transylvains a partir des routes et des castres romains de la Dacie Superiueure, in vol.Ol’Man River” Geo-archaeological aspects of Rivers and rivers plains, Academia Press Ghent, 627, pag.49 – 50.
  • Surdeanu V., Goțiu D., Irimus I.A., Petrea D., (2009), Some aspects regarding the evolutionof the floofplains of the Transylvanian Rivers and its influence upon the conservation of cultural resources, in vol.Ol’Man River” Geo-archaeological aspects of Rivers and rivers plains, Academia Press Ghent, 627 pag, pag 591 – 601.
  • ***(1984), Catchement Experiments in Fluvial Geomorphology. Ed. Geo Books, Norwich, Anglia (colab.cap.4)
  • ***(1988), Erosion Control:Stay in Tune. Ed.IECA, New Orleans, Louisiana, SUA
  • ***(1990), Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land, Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York,Brisbane, Tortonto, Singapore, Anglia (colab.cap.I)

ISI publication

  • Surdeanu V., (1986), Landslide and their role in reservoir silting. Zeischrift f￿r Geomorph., N.F., S.B. nr. 58, Berlin, Stuttgart, Germania.
  • Surdeanu V., (1997), La rüpartition des glissements de terrain dans les Carpates Orientales (zone du Flysch). Geogr.Fis. et Dinam. Quater., vol 19/1996, Torino, Italia
  • Surdeanu V., I. Rus, I.A. Irimus, D. Petrea, P.Cocean, (2009), Rainfall influence on landslide dynamics (Carpathian flysch area, Romania, in Geog. Fis. Dinam. Quat., nr 32, Italia, pag. 89 – 94.

BDI Publications

  • Surdeanu V., (1979), Recherches experimentales de terrain sur les glissements, Stud. géomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, vol.XV, Krakow, Polonia, pag.49-64
  • Surdeanu V.,, N. Rădoane, C. Catană (1989), Le glissement de terrain Taşbuga (Carpathes Orientales), Stud. Géomorph. Carpatho-Balcanica, vol. XXIII, Krakow, Polonia, pag. 123-139
  • Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (1991), Ciclicity and frequence of landslide in Romania. In vol. „Time, Frequence and dating in geomorphology”, Tatranska Lomnica-Stara Lesna, Slovakia
  • Surdeanu V., (1994), Le risque naturel relatiff aux glissements de terrain dans les Carpates Orientales-la zone du flysch. In vol.CD „Environment and Quality of Life in Central Europe: Problems of Transition”, Ed. Albertina Icome, Praha,Cehia
  • Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (1995), Rapports entre les processus de versant et la dynamique des alluvions dans les bassins hydrographiques petits. In vol. „Crues, versants et lits fluviaux, Paris, Franţa.
  • Maria Rădoane, N. Rădoane, I.Ichim, Surdeanu V., (1999), Problems of gully erosion in Romanian’s landscape. In Vol. „Vegetation, Land Use and Erosion Processes” , ( Edited by I. Zăvoianu, D.E. Walling, P Şerban), Inat. de Geogr., Comisia UNESCO, pag. 79 – 88
  • Maria Radoane, Surdeanu V.,, N.Radoane (2002), The impact of storage plants from the Bistrita river hydrografic basin over the landform dynamics. In vol. The seventh Romanian – Italian Workshop in Geomorphology „Environmental Geomorphology in the Mountain Regions”, Suceava, pg. 21-31
  • Surdeanu V., (2003), Landslides in the mountains areas of Eastern Carpathian Flysch. Wurzburger Geographische Manuskripte, heft 63, Wurzburg, pg.153-163
  • Surdeanu V.,, Radoane Maria, Radoane N. (2003), Erosion and gulling in Romania. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.150-155
  • Dombay S., Cocean P., Surdeanu V., (2003), The Development of Torrential Erosion in Belchia Basin. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.166
  • Raducan Ioana, Man T., Surdeanu V.,. (2003), The modelling of the gullies from Iara Depression. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.131-135
  • Surdeanu V.,, I. Rus, Dana Gotiu (2006), Model for Natural Risks Regionalisation. Case study: Cluj Country. Prezentata la International Conference REGIONAL DIISPARITIES: TYPOLOGY, IMPACT, MANAGEMENT, 20-22 OCTOBER 2006, Cluj Napoca. .„Romanian Review of Regional Studies”, Cluj-Napoca, p. 24-35
  • Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (2007), Rapport entre les processus de versant et la dynamique des alluvions dans les petits bassins hydrographiques (Roumanie). In vol. „Erosion, Vegetation, Amenagement, Pollutions”, Publie par Trav. de l’Institut de Geogrraphie de Reims, nr.123-124, vol. 31/2005, Ed.ERIGUR, pag. 111-122
  • O. Pop, Surdeanu V.,, I.-A. IRIMUS, M. Guitton, (2010), Distribution spatiale des coulées de débris contemporaines dans le Massif du Calimani (Roumanie). Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geographia, Cluj-Napoca, tome LV, vol. 1, pp. 33 – 44.
  • Manea S., Surdeanu V.,. Rus I.(2011), Anthropogenic Changes on Landforms in the Upper and Midle Sectors of Strei Basin. Rev. Roumaine de Geographie, 55(1). Bucuresti, pag.37-44
  • Surdeanu V.,, Moldovan Monica – Loredana, Anghel T., Buimaga (cas. Buimaga-Iarinca) Stefan, Pop, o., Rus, I. (2011), Spatial distribution of deep-seated landslides (glimee) in the Transylvania Basin, Stud. Univ.Babes-Bolyai, s. Geographie, 2/2011, Cluj Napoca.
  • Gavrilă, Ionela Georgiana, Man, T., Surdeanu V., (2011) „Geomorphological heritage assessment using GIS analysis for geotourism development in Măcin Mountains, Dobrogea, România”, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, ISSN 2065-0817, an IV, nr. 2, vol. 8, pag. 198-206.
  • Manea, Stefania, Surdeanu V., (2012) “Relief, Support for Rural Communities Development in the Area of Upper and Middle Sectors of the Strei Valley”, Journal of Settlement and Spatial Planning, Special Issue no. 1, Cluj University Press, pag. 61-71.
  • Manea, Ştefania, Surdeanu V., (2012), „Landslides Hazard Assessment in the Upper and Middle Sectors of the Strei Valley”, Rev. de Geomorfologie, vol. 14, Ed. Univ. din Bucureşti, pag. 49-55.