Phone: +40256592285
Department of Geography, West University of Timișoara, Blvd. Vasile Parvan, No. 4, 300223, Timișoara
Research topics
Geomorphometry, Remote sensing, GIS
- Classification of landforms and landform elements
- Scale effect in geomorphometric analysis
- Development of generic methods in geomorphometry and remote sensing
- GIS and RS applications in ecology, soil science and archaeology
Methods and techniques
- object-based image analysis (OBIA)
Indicele Hirsch și numărul total de citări, cf. Web of Science (2012):
- H = 7; The total number of citations = 196
Research projects (2006-2012)
- FuSE_DEM/ PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0499- Fundamental surface elements on digital elevation models. (PI) National Research Council. RON 500,000 (ca EUR 100,000) (2011-2012)
- SCALA-PLUS/ FP7-239312- Scales and Hierarchies in Geomorphometry. (PI) European Commission. EUR 37,500. (2009-2011)
- SCALA/ FWF-P20777-N15- Scales and hierarchies in landform classification. (Co-PI) Der Wissenschaftsfonds- FWF, Austria. EUR 282,000. (2008-2011)
- BRAHMATWINN/ FP6-036952- Twinning European and South Asian River basins to enhance capacity and implement adaptive integrated water resources management approaches. European Commission, 2006- 2009 – membru
- CLUE/ FP6- 009532- Complex Landscape Units for Environmental assessment and modeling. (PI) European Commission. EUR 157,387. (2006- 2008)
- A new method of representing landscape; segmentation of three-dimensional landscape units for environmental applications. Romanian- U.S. Fulbright Commission. Award US $16,250. (October 2005- March 2006)
Publications (selection)
- Schreiber, W., Drăguţ, L. and Man, T. (editors.), 2003. Landscape analysis in the Western side of the Transylvanian Plain. Cluj University Press, 135 pp. (in Romanian, with TOC and abstract in English).
- Drăguţ, L., 2000. Landscape Geography. Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 119 pp (in Romanian).
- Boengiu S., Vlăduţ A., Marinescu E., (2012), Conditions of gully development within piedmont areas with examples from the Getic Piedmont, Romania, Journal of Environmental Biology, vol.33, nr. 2 (Supplement), Lucknow, India, pp.407-415, ISSN 0254-8704
- Drăguţ, L. and Blaschke, T., 2008. Terrain segmentation and classification using SRTM data. In Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis, edited by Zhou, Q., Lees, B. and Tang, G.A. Series Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, pp. 141- 158.
- Muntean, O.L., Drăguţ, L., Baciu, N., Man, T., Buzilă, L. and Ferencik, I., 2007. Environmental impact assessment as a tool for environmental restoration (a case study: Copşa-Mică area, Romania). In Use of Landscape Sciences for the Assessment of Environmental Security, edited by Petrosillo, I., Müller, F., Jones, K.B., Zurlini, G., Krauze, K., Victorov, S., Li, B.-L., Kepner, W.G. Springer, pp. 461-474.
- Cristea, V., Gafta, D., Baciu, C., Goia, I., Drăguţ, L. and Coroiu, I., 2003. Multidisciplinary assessment of the landscape development around the Cluj-Napoca city (Romania). In Multifunctional Landscapes: monitoring, diversity and management, edited by Brandt, J. and Vejre, H. Advances in Ecological Sciences 15. WIT Press, pp.271-285.
- Belgiu, M., Drăguţ, L. and Strobl, J., 2013. Quantitative evaluation of variations in rule-based classifications of land cover classes in urban neighbourhoods using WorldView-2 imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (in print).
- d’Oleire-Oltmanns, S., Eisank, C., Drăguţ, L. and Blaschke, T., 2013. Landform mapping from Aerial Photographs and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs): A comparative study. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10: 947-951.
- Ardelean, F., Dragut, L., Urdea, P., Torok-Oance, M., 2013. Variations in landform definition: a quantitative assessment of differences between five maps of glacial cirques in the Tarcu Mountains (Southern Carpathians, Romania). Area 45: 348-357.
- Drăguţ, L. and Eisank, C., 2012. Automated classification of topography from SRTM data using object-based image analysis, Geomorphology 141-142: 21-33.
- Verhagen, P. and Drăguţ, L., 2012. Object-based landform classification from DEMs for archaeological predictive mapping, Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 698-703.
- Drăguţ, L., Eisank, C. and Strasser, T., 2011. Local variance for multi-scale analysis in geomorphometry, Geomorphology 130: 162-172.
- Drăguţ, L. and Eisank, C., 2011. Object representations at multiple scales from Digital Elevation Models, Geomorphology 129: 183-189.
- Drăguţ, L., Tiede, D. and Levick, S., 2010. ESP: a tool to estimate scale parameters for multiresolution image segmentation of remotely sensed data, International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24: 859-871.
- Drăguţ, L., Schauppenlehner, T., Muhar, A., Strobl, J. and Blaschke, T., 2009. Optimization of scale and parametrization for terrain segmentation: an application to soil-landscape modeling, Computers & Geosciences 35: 1875-1883.
- Drăguţ, L. and Blaschke, T., 2006. Automated classification of landform elements using object-based image analysis, Geomorphology 81: 330-344.
- Luscier, J.D, Thompson, W.L, Wilson, J.M, Gorham, B.E. and Drăguţ, L.D., 2006. Using digital photographs and object- based image analysis to estimate percent ground cover in vegetation plots, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4: 408-413.