Dr. Ionuţ Al. CRISTEA
Phone: +40742 005 939
Email: icristea@atlas.usv.ro,
Department of Geography, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Universitatii Str., no. 13, Suceava 722029
Research Topics
Fluvial geomorphology
- reconstruction of the Late Holocene fluvial processes
- neo-tectonic influences on the fluvial morphology
Methods and techniques in geomorphology
- measurement of the geomorphological variables
- geomorphological mapping
- digital cartography
- environmental historical changes
Research Projects (2005-2012)
- Reconstruction of Romanian river channel changes in last 10,700 years: the role of climatical conditions and human impact, IDEI, 2011-2014 – member
- Agro-forestry strategies for the use and biodiversity conservation of medicinal plants in the context of sustainable rural development in mountain valley of Bistrita, PNII, 2007-2010 – member
- Trends in the current dynamics of the Romanian riverbeds, CNCSIS, 2006 – 2008 – member
- Advanced technology for monitoring and managing the exploration of the natural resources highly vulnerable to natural disasters, CEEX, 2006-2008 – member
- Ecological rehabilitation and sustainable management of the degraded areas by gully erosion / landslides in Moldova, CEEX, 2006-2008 – member
- The impact of climate variability and human pressure upon the hydrologic regime of Danube river and consequences for coastal dynamics, CEEX, 2006-2008 – member
- The impact of the hydro-climatic and pedo-geomophological risks on the environment in Barlad catchment, CEEX, 2006-2008 – member
- Management and ecological security of the natural resources in the border area of the Prut river’s catchment, CEEX, 2005-2007 – member
Publications (selection)
- BRÂNDUŞ, C., CRISTEA, A. I. (2012) – Suceava County, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 208 p., ISBN 978-973-27-2276-3 (in press, in romanian)
- RĂDOANE, MARIA, RĂDOANE, N., CRISTEA, A. I. (2008) – Flooding risk in Bîrlad River’s catchment, in „The impact of the hydro-climatical and pedo-geomorphological risks on the environment in Bîrlad catchment”, coord. C. Rusu, Performantica, Iaşi, p. 207 – 213, ISBN 978-973-730-514-5
- RĂDOANE, MARIA, RĂDOANE, N., CRISTEA, A. I. (2008) – Sediment sources and sediments effluence, in „The impact of the hydro-climatical and pedo-geomorphological risks on the environment in Bîrlad catchment”, coord. C. Rusu, Performantica, Iaşi, p. 345 – 370, ISBN 978-973-730-514-5
- RĂDOANE, MARIA, RĂDOANE, N., DUMITRIU, D., CRISTEA, A. I., GANCEVICI-OPREA D. (2008) – Assesment of the contemporary channel changes of the Prut River on the Romanian borderline and the influence of the floodplain deposits characteristics on the quality of water resources, in „The Prut Catchment. Diagnostic on the ecological state of the water natural resource”, coord. Maria Bucureşteanu, Maria Rădoane, Gabriela Popescu Teodosiu, The Publishing House of the „Ştefan cel Mare” Univerisity of Suceava, p. 95 – 124, ISBN 978-973-666-289-8
- Rădoane, Maria, Obreja, F., CRISTEA, A. I., Mihăilă D. (2012), Channel-bed level changes in the Eastern Carpathian Rivers: climatical control vs. human control over the last 50 years, Geomorphology, Elsevier (review finished, moderate revisions).
- MÎNDRESCU, M., CRISTEA A.I., HUTCHINSON, S.M., FLORESCU, GABRIELA., FEURDEAN, ANGELICA (2012), Interdisciplinary investigations of the first reported laminated lacustrine sediments in Romania, Quaternary International, 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.08.2105 (in press)
- MÎNDRESCU, M., CRISTEA A.I., HUTCHINSON, S.M. (2011) – Bathymetric and sedimentological changes of glacial Lake Ştiol, Rodna Masiff, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol 5, 2010 – no.1, p. 57-65
- CRISTEA A.I., Rădoane, Maria, Mîndrescu M. (2012) – Contemporary pattern adjustments of Putna River’s channel (South -Eastern Carpathians) reflected by cartographic materials, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-10612
- Rădoane Maria, CRISTEA A.I., Rădoane, n. (2011) – Geomorphological mapping. Evolution and trends, Revista de geomofologie, vol.13/2011, p. 19-40
- Oprea Gancevici, D., CRISTEA A.I. (2011) – On periglaciar processes and landforms in the Brodina River basin (Obcinele Bucovinei), Revista de geomofologie, vol.13/2011, p. 87-95
- CRISTEA A.I. (2009) – Stages in the evolution of the drainage network in the Lower Siret Plain reflected by cartographical materials din, Ann. Univ. „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Geography, t. xv – 2009, p. 45 – 60
- Rădoane Maria, Rădoane, N., CRISTEA A.I., Persoiu, Ioana, Burdulea, Alina (2008) – Quantitative analysis in the fluvial geomorphology, Geographia Technica, nr. 1, p.100-110