- Florina GRECU, Gabriela IOANA-TOROIMAC, Paola MOLIN, Francesco DRAMIS – River channel dynamics in the contact area between the Romanian Plain and the Curvature Subcarpathians
- Roxana VĂIDEAN, Dănuţ PETREA – Dendrogeomorphological reconstruction of past debris flow activity along a forested torrent (Retezat Mountains)
- Abdelkader ABDELLAOUI, Rongying LAI, Mostafia BOUGHALEM – GEMAS : une application Visual C# pour la gestion automatisée du découpage de l’espace en mailles régulières géoréférencées
- Andreea Maria VÂTCA, Ioan Aurel IRIMUŞ, Sanda ROŞCA – Landslide susceptibility in Zalău Municipality
- Laurenţiu ARTUGYAN, Petru URDEA – Using Spontaneous Potential (SP) as a Geophysical Method for Karst Terrains Investigation in Mărghitaş Plateau (Banat Mountains, Romania)
- Costică BRÂNDUŞ, Claudiu GAMAN – Aspects regarding the evolution of slope processes in the Izvoru Alb – Bicaz territory (Neamţ County) during 2005 – 2014
- Mirela VASILE, Alfred VESPREMEANU-STROE, Răzvan POPESCU – Air versus ground temperature data in the evaluation of frost weathering and ground
freezing. Examples from the Romanian Carpathians - Mostafia BOUGHALEM, Abdelkader ABDELLAOUI, Kacem MOUSSA – Variabilité spatiale de l’infiltrabilité sur les versants marneux de l’Isser-Tlemcen (Algérie)
- Remus PRĂVĂLIE, Romulus COSTACHE – The potential of water erosion in Slănic River basin
- Brahim NOUIBAT, Ali REDJEM, Florina GRECU – Analysis of natural hazards in urban areas: The city of Bou Saada as a case study in Algeria
- Vasile LOGHIN, George MURĂTOREANU, Eduard PĂUNESCU – Geomorphosites in the Ialomiţa Subcarpathians
- Le XXXe Colloque National de Géomorphologie. Relevance de la géomorphologie pour la société: réalisations et perspectives, Orşova, le 29-31 Mai 2014 (Daniel IOSIF)
- 17th Joint Geomorphological Meeting “The geomorphology of natural hazards: mapping, analysis and prevention”, Liege, June 30 – July 3, 2014 (Anca MUNTEANU)
- 2nd International Conference „Water resources and wetlands”, September 11-13, 2014 Tulcea (Romania) (Gabriela IOANA-TOROIMAC)
- International Symposium on SEASONAL SNOW AND ICE, Lahti, Finland, 28 May–1 June 2012 (Anca MUNTEANU)
Recenzii / Reviews