9th International Conference on Geomorphology New Delhi, India

IMPORTANT MESSAGE for the NATIONAL  SCIENTIFIC MEMBERS concerning the IAG/AIG COUNCIL MEETING at the 9th International Conference on Geomorphology New Delhi, India, November 6-11, 2017

The IAG/AIG is ruled by a Constitution of which an English, French and Spanish full version can be found on the website (www.geomorph.org). Some rules, listed below,  apply specifically to the International Conference on Geomorphology:


  • Each National Scientific Member shall have only one vote.
  • A National Scientific Member shall at all times keep the Secretary of the IAG informed about its address, the names of its officers and its voting representative.
  • Each National Scientific Member shall pay a subscription proper to its category.
  • Continuous record of payment of membership fees is necessary to acquire full voting rights.


  • The IAG shall be served by an Executive Committee consisting of the elected and co-opted members.
  • The elected members are: a President; three Vice-Presidents; a Secretary; a Treasurer; a Publications Officer.
  • Nominees for presidency shall have served as elected members of the Executive Committee in the term immediately preceding their nomination.
  • Elected members shall serve a maximum of four years in any post.
  • All elected members are to be from different countries.


  • The Executive Committee shall be responsible to the Council of the IAG.
  • The Council shall consist of the voting representative of each National Scientific Member (or their authorised deputies) plus the members of the IAG Executive Committee.
  • The Council shall be presided over by the President of the IAG or, in case of the President’s incapacity to attend, by one of the Vice-Presidents designated by the Executive Committee.
  • In the event of an equal decision of votes, the President or acting President shall cast the deciding vote.
  • The Council shall meet every four years during the International Conference on Geomorphology
  • The Council may set up standing and ad hoc committees and working parties with whatever names, powers and terms of reference it may decide.
  • The Council shall determine, with the advice of the Secretary, the annual subscription fee to the Association.
  • The Council shall approve the budget and authorise disbursement of funds.


  • At each International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG) two General Assemblies shall be held. General Assembly is open to all those who have registered to the ICG. The purpose of General Assembly is to further communication between the Executive Committee and individual geomorphologists.


  • An International Conference on Geomorphology shall be held every fourth year in a country to be decided upon by the Council.
  • The organization and financial arrangements of an International Conference are the responsibility of the National Scientific Member of the host country
  • The only rule for the International Conference is that it shall be organized in such a way that a relaxed and informal ‘geomorphological’ style be adopted consistent with maximum productivity.



  • A quorum for a Council meeting shall be a simple majority (more than 50 %) of the National Scientific Members.
  • Any member country that will not be present for a vote may submit its views and vote in advance by mail. In this case that member country will be regarded as being present for the purposes of the quorum for the vote.
  • Voting shall be by secret ballot, for the election of Executive members, for the place for the next International Conference on Geomorphology, or for other matters specified at the time by the President.
  • National Scientific Members wishing to have items placed on the agenda should submit them not less than six months prior to a Council meeting.
  • Three months before the meeting the Secretary will send the complete Agenda to each National scientific member.


  • At least one year before the expiry of office of the Executive Committee, the Secretary shall notify the National Scientific Members that an election is to take place and invite them to submit names for the required positions not later than three months before the election.
  • Evidence must be provided to show that each would be willing to serve if elected.
  • The election, preceded by the presentation of candidates by National Delegates (or people acting on their behalf), will be carried out according to the agreed voting procedures of the IAG.


  • The President shall assume office during the final General Assembly of the International Conference on Geomorphology and will remain in office until the final General Assembly of the next International Conference (four years).


  • Offers to act as host for an International Conference on Geomorphology shall be received by the Secretary at least three months in advance of the preceding International Conference.
  • The inviting country must provide assurance that no individual will be denied attendance on grounds of nationality, race, gender, creed or political views.
  • If an invitation is received from more than one National Scientific Member the final selection shall be made by secret ballot of voting members.
  • Arrangements for the International Conference on Geomorphology shall be the responsibility of the Organising Committee of the host country, in consultation with the President and Secretary.
  • At each International Conference on Geomorphology all votes are to take place at the Council meeting at the end of the Conference.
  • Every four years, half way between the International Conference on Geomorphology, the Regional Conference will be held
  • Offers to act as host for the Regional Conference shall be received at the meeting of the Council preceding an inter-conference period and selection shall be made by voting. If the offer arrives at a later date, the decision is made by the Executive Committee.


  • The Council shall establish Working Groups to facilitate research on focused geomorphological issues, regions or areas.
  • Working Groups can be proposed by any individual geomorphologist or group of geomorphologists. Proposals shall include the objective of the Group and an outline of the plan to reach the objective.
  • The Council will determine the number of Working Groups to be supported and will vote on proposals at the quadrennial Council meeting.
  • Each Working Group will provide the Secretary with an annual progress report and at the conclusion of its four-year term will convene a symposium at the International Conference on Geomorphology.

As a consequence a number of:

  • requirementshave to be met with,
  • decisionshave to be taken,
  • deadlineshave to be respected.


  • In order to assure your full voting right check your financial statuswith the Treasurer (dedapper@UGent.be).  Remember that National Scientific Members, which are exempted  from fees, have to present a report of their activities during the quadrennium 2013-2017 to the Treasurer.
  • If applicable, update the co-ordinates of the officers  (actual President, Vice-President, Secretary) and send them to the Secretary General  (desunil@yahoo.com) and the Webmaster (dellaseta@uniroma1.it).
  • Designate the National Delegate(officer or deputy) who will cast the vote (only officiallydesignated National Delegates will be allowed to vote!).
  • Any National Scientific Member  that will not be present for a vote may submit its views and vote in advanceby mail (important for the quorum!).
  • Consider itemsto be placed on the Council Agenda.


Election of 1 President, 3 Vice-Presidents, 1 Secretary, 1 Treasurer, 1 Publication Officer.

Check the conditions for eligibility:  the President shall serve as elected EC-member in the ongoing term 2013 – 2017; an elected EC-member shall serve a maximum of four years in any post.

Submissions of candidates have to include the official  nomination by the President of the National Scientific Member, a curriculum vitae of the candidate and an attestation by the candidate that he is willing to serve (cf. duties in the Bylaws of the Constitution!) if elected.

10th International  Conference on Geomorphology 2021 & Regional Conference on Geomorphology 2019.

Offers must meet the requirements as described in the Constitution.

Working Groups

Existing WG’s can be extended for another term and new WG’s may be approved.

Check with the Vice-President responsible for the WG’s (xpyang@263.net.cn).


APRIL 06, 2017: submission of  items for Council Agenda.

JUNE 06, 2017: submission of candidatures for Executive Committee 2013 – 2017.

JUNE 06, 2017: offers for International  Conference on Geomorphology 2021 & Regional Conference on Geomorphology 2019.

JUNE 06, 2017: communication of National Delegates.

OCTOBER 06, 2017:  votes by mail in advance.


 All items must be sent to the Secretary General (desunil@yahoo.com), with copy to the President ().


Sunil Kumar De

IAG/AIG Secretary General ,



Invitation to the CBDGC Conference in Slovenia

Geomorphological Society of Slovenia,
Karst Research Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

are kindly inviting you to the international conference of the Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Geomorphological Commission (CBDGC) which will be held in Postojna, Slovenia, from September, 13 to 17, 2016. The main objective of the conference is to continue the activities of the CBDGC in promoting geomorphological research and exchange of knowledge in the area of Carpatho-Balcan-Dinaric mountain systems and adjacent basins. We are inviting all geomorphologists, geologists, geographers and other scientists who are dealing with the geomorphology of these areas to present their latest results at the conference in Postojna next year. The presentations will be oral and as posters. The organizing committee will try to publish the selection of papers in Slovene and other scientific magazines.

This will be the first meeting in the long history of CBDGC to be held in the karst areas of the Dinaric mountain system. Postojna is very well situated in the heart of the Slovene classical karst where the study of karst features began centuries ago. It is easily accessible by all means of transportation and is known internationally for its Karst Research Institute. The participants will also be invited to participate in the excursions to the most outstanding karst areas in the neighborhood of Postojna.

The first announcement will be published online at the end of November, 2015, with the conference preliminary programme and information for registration and preparing the abstracts.

Ljubljana, November 5, 2015

For the organizing committee,

dr. Karel Natek, Chairman of the Geomorphological Society of Slovenia

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the conference of Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Geomorphological Commission (CBDGC) which will be held from 13-17 September 2016 in Postojna, Slovenia.

The conference is organized under the auspices of the CBDGC by Geomorphological Association of Slovenia in association with Karst Research Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Postojna), Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana) and Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Ljubljana). It is the continuation of more than 50 years of CBDGC’s efforts for enhancing scientific cooperation and exchange of research results across the whole spectrum of geomorphological fields. As this will be the first conference of CBDGC in the Classical Karst area, we would like to add some karstic flavour to the conference, so the presentations of this subject are especially welcome.

Please visit the conference web page http://www.geomorfolosko-drustvo.si/ with the 1st announcement and all other information, including registration form and abstract submission form.

Important dates

February 1, 2016        1st announcement

May 13, 2016             Early registration deadline (online registration)

June 13, 2016            last call for abstracts

July 1, 2016               2nd announcement with final programme

September 1, 2016    Deadline for late registration (online registration)

The members of the organizing and scientific committees are looking forward to your contributions and participation. Please forward the message to your colleagues if they are not on the list.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Karel Natek (chairman of the organizing committee)

Join Geomorphological Meeting 2016

18th-JGM-JJG-2016-page-001Dear colleagues of AGR,

as you probably know, the next Joint Geomorphological Meeting will be held at Chambéry on Monday 27th of June 2016, followed by two post-meeting field trips to the Mont Blanc and the Bauges massifs (a week concluded by two French meetings: the annual one of the PhD students and young doctors organized by the GFG, ans the annual meeting of the French group on Periglacial, AFdP). A flyer of this busy week is in attached.

Withi our organizing team, I am in charge of the Scientific Committee. To compose it, we propose that each national geomorphological group nominate 2 representatives at the Scientific Committee.
Taking advantage of its proximity, we will propose to the Swiss group (SSGm) to join BAG, AGR, AIGeo, HCGE and GFG for this JGM.
Finally, we will invite I. Bollati to enter the CS as the representative of the young European geomorphologists.

For this 18th JGM, we have proposed the following topic: “Source to sink: from erosion to sedimentary archives”.
Thus, we solicite your organization for proposing one solicited oral communication of 20′ by one of your members to be presented during the morning of the 27th of June (the afternoon will be dedicated to 8 selected oral communications and the posters).

So, we will appreciate that you send us asap but before the end of December (i) the name of the two representatives of your group, and (ii) the name of the member of your group that will present a solicited oral communication.

In case of any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Bien amicalement,
Philip Deline

National Symposium of Geomorphology XXXIIth Edition Piatra Neamt – 2016

National Symposium on Geomorphology, XXXII edition will be organised by AGR with the support of local authorities in Piatra Neamt, on 19 to 22 May 2016.

Responsible : dr. Dan DUMITRIU, Vice AGR

The event will be dedicated to the 60 years since the founding of Stejarul Research Station (Biological, Geological and Geographical Research Station). Also, to the memory of those who have marked the evolution of geomorphology on these lands.