From field mapping and landform analysis to multi-risk assessment: challenges, uncertainties and transdisciplinarity

We invite you to join the geomorphologists from Italy, France, Belgium, Greece and Romania during an intense experience of keynote lectures, oral presentations, posters and field trips in the Vrancea seismic region, Romania. It is in our intention to encourage participation from all geomorphologic fields, as well as inter and transdisciplinary research, to provide a high-level but in the mean time comfortable and friendly framework meant to promote active discussions and challenging scientific debates. A multi-hazard hotspot of Europe, Vrancea seismic region is offering the perfect framework for observing, discussing and evaluating a multi-risk environment, where forms and processes, alongside prediction, modeling and validation of single and multi hazards are fitting perfectly within an extremely complex yet challenging system of approaches.

SNG 2016 Piatra Neamț

Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie – Piatra Neamț, 2016 in imagini

Ice Breaker – Sediul Stațiunii de cercetari ”Stejarul”


SNG 2015 Sf. Gheorghe Deltă

1. Deschidere & Prezentari Ziua 1

2. Aplicatie Sacalin

3. Cina Ziua 1

4. Prezentari ziua 2

5. Aplicatie Tarm Sf. Gheorghe

6. Aplicatie Caraorman

Geomorfologia 2014

SNG 2014 Orșova

SNG 2013 Sadova, Bucovina

SNG 2013 Suceava