Autor: Dima Vali
Gallery – Paleogeomorphology
Assistant professor at University of Suceava, Department of Geography
Phone: +40742051475
Department of Geography, University of Suceava, 13rd Universităţii St, Suceava, 720229
Mountain Geomorphology
- Romanian Carpathian Glaciation
- Glacial cirques and lakes
- Climate variability recorded by glacial deposits and lake sediments
- Paraglacial rock slope failure
- Limnology/Palaeolimnology
- History vegetation and climate change
- Protected areas
- Climate variability recorded by glacial deposits and lake sediments, grant PN-II-RU-TE-2012-3-0386 (2012-2015) – coordinator
- Interdisciplinary in geosciences in the Carpathians basin. Workshop, grant PN-II-ID-WE-2012-4-056 (2012) – coordinator
- Climate change in the Carpathian-Balkan region during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Workshop, grant PAGES (2011) – coordinator
- Mîndrescu, M., Evans, I.S., 2013. Cirque form and development in Romania: allometry and the buzz-saw hypothesis. Geomorphology (accepted). Ms. Ref. No: GEOMOR-3868R1
- Mîndrescu, M., Cristea A.I., Hutchinson, S.M., , Florescu, G., Feurdean, A. 2012. Interdisciplinary investigations of the first reported laminated lacustrine sediments in Romania. Quaternary International, 293, 219-230. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.08.2105.
- Akinyemi, F.O., Hutchinson, S.M., Mîndrescu, M., Rothwell, J.J., 2012. Lake sediment records of atmospheric pollution in the Romanian Carpathians. Quaternary International, 293,105-113. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.01.022.
- Fărcaş, S., Tanţău I., Mîndrescu M., Hurdu B., 2012. Holocene vegetation history in the Maramureş Mountains (Northern Romanian Carpathians). Quaternary International, 293, 92-104. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.03.057.
- Vereş, D., Mîndrescu, M., 2012. Advancing Pleistocene and Holocene climate change research in the Carpathian-Balkan region. Quaternary International, 293, 1-4. doi 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.12.003.
- Knorn J., Kuemmerle, T., Radeloff, V.C., Szabo, A., Mîndrescu, M., Keeton W.S., Abrudan I., Griffiths P., Gancz V., Hostert P., 2012. Forest restitution and protected area effectiveness in post-socialist Romania. Biological Conservation, Volume 146, Issue 1, February 2012, p. 204-212. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.12.020.
- Mîndrescu M., Cristea I. Al., Hutchinson, S. M., 2011. Bathymetric and sedimentological changes of glacial Lake Ştiol, Rodna Masiff. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5/1, 57 – 65.
- Mîndrescu, M., Evans I.S., Cox, N.J., 2010. Climatic implications of cirque distribution in the Romanian Carpathians: Palaeowind directions during glacial periods. Journal of Quaternary Science (2010), 25(6), 875–888. doi: 10.1002/jqs.1363.
- Mindrescu, M., Veres, D., 2013. Climate change in the Carpathian-Balkan area. Advancing research and cooperation. Georeview, 22, 106-111. doi: 10.4316/GEOREVIEW.2013.22.1.73
- Mindrescu, M., Hutchinson, S.M., 2012. Interdisciplinary cooperation and studies in geoscience in the Carpathian Basin. Georeview, 21,1-7. doi: 10.4316/GEOREVIEW.2012.21.1.51.
- Mindrescu M., Iosep I., Cristea I.A., Forgaci D., Popescu D.A., 2010. Lacurile Iezer si Bolatau (Obcina Feredeului)- cele mai vechi lacuri de baraj natural formate prin alunecare din Romania, Volumul Simpozionului National Resursele de apa. Vulnerabilitate la presiunea activitatilor antropice cu referire si la ecosistemele lacustre, 272-282, Targoviste, 11-13 iunie 2010.
- Mindrescu M., Cristea I.A., Florescu G., 2010. Water quality and ecology of the Iezer and Bolătău lakes, Lakes reservoirs and ponds Romanian Journal of Limnology, 4 (1-2), 117-130, 2010.
- Fărcaş, S., Tanţău, I., Mîndrescu, M., Hurdu, B., Filipaş, L., Ursu, T., 2009. Pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog Tăul Mare – Bardău (Maramureş, Romania), în: A. Curtean-Bănăduc, D. Bănăduc & I. Sîrbu (eds.), „The Maramureş Mountains Nature Park”. Trans. Rev. of Syst. and Ecol. Res., Sibiu, 5, 2009, p. 21-30.
- Fărcaş, S., Tantau I., Hurdu B., Mîndrescu M., Filipas L., 2009. Phytohistorical aspects of the Natura 2000 site “Maramures Mountains”. Contribuţii Botanice, Cluj-Napoca, XLIV, 2009, p. 131-140.
- Mîndrescu,M., 2009. Glacial asymmetry in The Făgăraş Massif. Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Secţiunea geografie, anul XVIII-2009, p. 25-34.
- Mîndrescu, M., 2008. A new glacial area in Rodna mountains- Tarniţa din Ciung cirque. Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava Secţiunea Geografie, XVII,p. 79-86, 2008.
- Mîndrescu, M,. 2004. Topographic and climate conditions required for glacier formation in cirques, Annals of the University of Kharkov, 620, 88-95, Kharkov, Ukraine.
Conferențiar la Universitatea Suceava, Departamentul de Geografie
Telefon: +40742051475
Departamentul de Geografie, Universitatea Suceava, St.Universităţii, nr. 13, Suceava, 720229
Geomorfologie Montană
- Studiul glaciaţiei din Carpaţii româneşti
- Circurile și lacurile glaciare
- Studiul variabilităţii climatice pe baza depozitelor glaciare şi a sedimentelor lacustre
- Procesele şi formele paraglaciare
Alte Domenii
- Limnologie/paleolimnologie
- Istoria vegetaţiei şi schimbările climatice
- Arii protejate
- Climate variability recorded by glacial deposits and lake sediments, grant PN-II-RU-TE-2012-3-0386 (2012-2015) – coordonator
- Interdisciplinary in geosciences in the Carpathians basin. Workshop, grant PN-II-ID-WE-2012-4-056 (2012) – coordonator
- Climate change in the Carpathian-Balkan region during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Workshop, grant PAGES (2011) – coordonator
- Mîndrescu, M., Evans, I.S., 2013. Cirque form and development in Romania: allometry and the buzz-saw hypothesis. Geomorphology (accepted). Ms. Ref. No: GEOMOR-3868R1
- Mîndrescu, M., Cristea A.I., Hutchinson, S.M., , Florescu, G., Feurdean, A. 2012. Interdisciplinary investigations of the first reported laminated lacustrine sediments in Romania. Quaternary International, 293, 219-230. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.08.2105.
- Akinyemi, F.O., Hutchinson, S.M., Mîndrescu, M., Rothwell, J.J., 2012. Lake sediment records of atmospheric pollution in the Romanian Carpathians. Quaternary International, 293,105-113. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.01.022.
- Fărcaş, S., Tanţău I., Mîndrescu M., Hurdu B., 2012. Holocene vegetation history in the Maramureş Mountains (Northern Romanian Carpathians). Quaternary International, 293, 92-104. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.03.057.
- Vereş, D., Mîndrescu, M., 2012. Advancing Pleistocene and Holocene climate change research in the Carpathian-Balkan region. Quaternary International, 293, 1-4. doi 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.12.003.
- Knorn J., Kuemmerle, T., Radeloff, V.C., Szabo, A., Mîndrescu, M., Keeton W.S., Abrudan I., Griffiths P., Gancz V., Hostert P., 2012. Forest restitution and protected area effectiveness in post-socialist Romania. Biological Conservation, Volume 146, Issue 1, February 2012, p. 204-212. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.12.020.
- Mîndrescu M., Cristea I. Al., Hutchinson, S. M., 2011. Bathymetric and sedimentological changes of glacial Lake Ştiol, Rodna Masiff. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5/1, 57 – 65.
- Mîndrescu, M., Evans I.S., Cox, N.J., 2010. Climatic implications of cirque distribution in the Romanian Carpathians: Palaeowind directions during glacial periods. Journal of Quaternary Science (2010), 25(6), 875–888. doi: 10.1002/jqs.1363.
- Mindrescu, M., Veres, D., 2013. Climate change in the Carpathian-Balkan area. Advancing research and cooperation. Georeview, 22, 106-111. doi: 10.4316/GEOREVIEW.2013.22.1.73
- Mindrescu, M., Hutchinson, S.M., 2012. Interdisciplinary cooperation and studies in geoscience in the Carpathian Basin. Georeview, 21,1-7. doi: 10.4316/GEOREVIEW.2012.21.1.51.
- Mindrescu M., Iosep I., Cristea I.A., Forgaci D., Popescu D.A., 2010. Lacurile Iezer si Bolatau (Obcina Feredeului)- cele mai vechi lacuri de baraj natural formate prin alunecare din Romania, Volumul Simpozionului National Resursele de apa. Vulnerabilitate la presiunea activitatilor antropice cu referire si la ecosistemele lacustre, 272-282, Targoviste, 11-13 iunie 2010.
- Mindrescu M., Cristea I.A., Florescu G., 2010. Water quality and ecology of the Iezer and Bolătău lakes, Lakes reservoirs and ponds Romanian Journal of Limnology, 4 (1-2), 117-130, 2010.
- Fărcaş, S., Tanţău, I., Mîndrescu, M., Hurdu, B., Filipaş, L., Ursu, T., 2009. Pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog Tăul Mare – Bardău (Maramureş, Romania), în: A. Curtean-Bănăduc, D. Bănăduc & I. Sîrbu (eds.), „The Maramureş Mountains Nature Park”. Trans. Rev. of Syst. and Ecol. Res., Sibiu, 5, 2009, p. 21-30.
- Fărcaş, S., Tantau I., Hurdu B., Mîndrescu M., Filipas L., 2009. Phytohistorical aspects of the Natura 2000 site “Maramures Mountains”. Contribuţii Botanice, Cluj-Napoca, XLIV, 2009, p. 131-140.
- Mîndrescu,M., 2009. Glacial asymmetry in The Făgăraş Massif. Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Secţiunea geografie, anul XVIII-2009, p. 25-34.
- Mîndrescu, M., 2008. A new glacial area in Rodna mountains- Tarniţa din Ciung cirque. Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava Secţiunea Geografie, XVII,p. 79-86, 2008.
- Mîndrescu, M,. 2004. Topographic and climate conditions required for glacier formation in cirques, Annals of the University of Kharkov, 620, 88-95, Kharkov, Ukraine.
Geomorphology and Stable Isotopes Lab
Department of Geography, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava
1) GEOTOM resistivimeter
Resistivimetric measurements near Lacul Stiucii (Transilvanian Plain), Somesul Mic Valley (Jucu), Siret Valley (Liteni)-the results are published in Catena, Geomorphology (submitted). (Fig. 1,2,3)
2) Picarro L2130i CRDS spectrometer
Precise measurement of δ18O and δD in water. Can be used both in laboratory and fieldwork applications in hidrology, palaeoclimatology, authentication of products – 2 dissertation thesis (PhD students Carmen Badaluta and Viorica Nagavciuc)-the results are about to be published in international journals. (Fig. 4,5,6)
3) Total station LEICA – precise topographic surveys (palaeochannels cross sections, active bars within channels, gullies) – results already published in Catena, Geomorphology, Revista de Geomorfologie, Georeview (Fig. 7,8,9)
4) Physico-chemical analysis laboratory equipped with LOI oven, oven, analytical balance, particle size analyzer and shaker for granulometry analysis, freezer for samples, glassware, various instruments – for PhD students activities (PhD student Delia Robu in the picture) and master students. (Fig. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)
5) Sonde diverse Eijelkam, carte Munselle, carotare in teren, granulometrie Wolman, pregatirea probelor – rezultate publicate (Catena, Geomorphology) si in curs de publicare (Earth Surface Landform and Processes, Quaternary Sciences Review, volum in Springer). (Fig. 14, 15, 16, 17)
6) Geomorphological mapping (Fig. 18,19)
7) Various core drills from Eijkelkamp, Munselle color system book, field coring, Wolman granulometry, preparing samples – results publishe in Geomorphology and Catena and under review (Earth Surface and Processes, Quaternary Sciences Review, in Springer)
Dr. Adrian STĂNICĂ
Scientific Director at the National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology – GeoEcoMar
Phone: +40212094986
Str. Dimitrie Onciul 23-25, Sector 2, 024053, Bucharest
Coastal Geomorphology
- Beach morphology
- Long-term and seasonal variations of coastal morphology
- Beach – dune interactions
- Nearshore zone hidrodynamics
- Impact of human interventions on coastal morphology
- Impact of extreme storms on short-term coastal behavior
- Fluvial – Marine Interactions: Morphodynamics and sediment transport at river mouths
- River, delta and shelf sedimentology
- Integrated coastal zone management
- Causal analysis of environmental problems in coastal and marine environments
- Water resources management
- Science policy in river-delta-sea systems
Main International Projects
- 2013-2015 – general coordinator of FP7 DANCERS (DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea))
- 2007-2014: GeoEcoMar co-ordinator in FP6 CONSCIENCE, FP7 HYDRALAB IV, FP7 ARCH, LIFE+ SEDI.PORT.SIL
- 1995-2014: Participant in FP4 EROS 2000 and EROS 21, in FP5 EURO-GEO-ECO-CENTRE and MULINO (as Marie Curie Fellow at FEEM Venice), FP6 IASON, SESAME, FP7 COCONET, SEE ECOPORT 8.
- 2006 – 2007: Black Sea Regional coordinator for Causal Analysis – Black Sea Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis – 2007, BSERP (Black Sea Environmental Recovery Programme), UNEP
- 2005-2008 and 2009-2012: East European Coordinator of NEAR 3 & 4 projects (Network for the Environmental Assessment and Remediation in aquatic systems) – funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (overall coordination – University of Geneva)
Main national projects
- 2011 – 2012: GeoEcoMar coordinator of the Halcrow UK- led team to develop the Masterplan for the protection against erosion of the Romanian Black Sea coast (EC Structural funds)
- 2008-2011: Coordinator of CLASS (project aiming to map and model the coastal currents along the western Black Sea coast, focused mainly on the Romanian littoral), funded by the National Authority for Scientific Research, PARTENERIATE – 32130/2008. operational model obtained in CLASS to be accessed here:
- 2008-2009: GeoEcoMar coordinator of United States Trade and Development Agency-funded COASTEROSION (technical assistance for the assessment of coastal erosion in front of the Danube Delta)
- 2005 – 2007: GeoEcoMar coordinator of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) funded „Study for the protection and rehabilitation of the southern Romanian Black Sea coast”
- 1994 – 2013: – since 1997 GeoEcoMar coordinator in a series of national R&D projects monitoring the coastal dynamics.
- Stănică, A., Dan, S., Jimenez, J., Ungureanu, G.V., 2011 „Dealing with erosion along the Danube Delta coast. The CONSCIENCE experience towards a sustainable coastline management”, Ocean & Coastal Management 54, 898-906.
- Stănică A., Panin N., 2009, “Present evolution and future predictions for the deltaic coastal zone between the Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe Danube River mouths (Romania)” Geomorphology, 107, 41–46.
- Stănică A., Dan S., Ungureanu Gh., 2007, “Coastal changes at the Sulina mouth of the Danube River as a result of human activities”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55/10-12 pp. 555-563.
- Dan S., Stănică A. “The role of episodic water level variations for the dynamics of Danube Delta coastal zone”. Journal of Coastal Conservation (accepted for publication)
- Sanò, M., Jimenez, J.A., Medina, R., Stănică, A., Sanchez-Archilla, A., Trumbic, I., 2011 “The role of coastal setbacks in the context of coastal erosion and climate change”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 54, 943-950
- Marchand M, Sanchez-Arcilla A., Ferreira M., Gault J., Jiménez J.A., Markovic M., Mulder J., van Rijn L., Stănică A., Sulisz W., Sutherland J., 2011 “Concepts and science for coastal erosion management e An introduction to the CONSCIENCE framework”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 54, 859-866.
- N. Gruber, R. Kuhns, J. F. Steurer, A. Stănică, I. C. Lipan, L. Tofan, J. Mozingo, J. C. Roberge, T. Ehlinger, P. Ginther, J. D. Rosati., 2010, „Development of a Coastal Systems Operations Center for the Institutional Strengthening of Coastal Management Along the Romanian Black Sea”. Proceedings of the 2010 Watershed Management Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 951-965, Stock No. 41143 / ISBN 9780784411438
- Kuroki K., Goda Y., Panin N., Stănică A., Diaconeasa D., Babu Gh., 2007, “Beach erosion and its countermeasures along the Southern Romanian Black Sea shore” “Coastal Engineering 2006” (Proceedings of the 30th International Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 3-8 September 2006), vol 4, 3788-3799. ISBN-13: 978-9812706362
- Stănică A., Panin N., Caraivan G. 2013. Romanian coast. Chapter 20 in Allan Williams & Enzo Pranzini (general editors), Coastal Erosion and Protection in Europe. Publisher: Routledge, members of Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN-13: 9781849713399 (in press)
- Stănică A., The Danube Delta. Back to nature through international cooperation. Chapter in “Climate of Coastal Cooperation”. R. Misdorp Editor. Publishers: Coastal & Marine Union – EUCC (Leiden, the Netherlands),, ISBN 978-90-75502-09-1
- Stănică A., Panin N., Danube Delta. Chapter in “Comparative assessment of the vulnerability and resilience of 10 deltas – synthesis report. Delta Alliance Report No. 1.”, 2010, T. Bucx, M. Marchand, A. Makaske, C. van den Guchte Editors. Publishers: Delta Alliance International, Delft – Wageningen, the Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-90070-39-7
- Dominik J., Chapman D., Loiseau J-L, Stănică A., Vignati D. – Editors. „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6 –
- Stănică A., Thomas R., Interaction of the scientist with the media and public. In „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6. pp. 27-32. –ănică%20and%20Thomas%202010.pdf
- Stănică A., Ungureanu V.G., Understanding coastal morphology and sedimentology. In „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6. pp. 105-111. –ănică%20and%20Ungureanu%202010.pdf
- Dominik J., Stănică A., Thomas R., Soft sediment observation and characterisation in field courses. In „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6. pp. 231-242. –
- Electronic book. Galvani A., Georgiadis T., Marabini F., Caraivan G., Constantinescu S., Stănică A..- 2009- Evoluzione recente del Delta del Danubio in base a documenti cartografici, Curatore editoriale, M. Barazutti, Alma Mater Digital Library, University of Bologna (monograph),
- Giupponi C., Feas J., Stănică A., 2006, “Participative decision making for reorganising the irrigation system of the Cavallino Peninsula (Italy)” Italian Journal for Agronomy, No.4, pp. 715 – 725, 2006.
- Stănică A., Stancheva M., Ungureanu G.V., Peychev V., Palazov A., Stanchev H., Dutu F.. 2012. Types and Impacts of Maritime Hydraulic Structures on the Romanian – Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Setting-up a Common Catalogue for GIS-based Coastline Classification. GEO-ECO-MARINA nr. 18/2012, 105-113,
- I. Dinu, M. Bajo, G. Umgiesser, A. Stănică. 2011. Influence of wind and freshwater on the current circulation along the Romanian Black Sea coast. GEO-ECO-MARINA nr. 17/2011, 13-26.
- I. Dinu, M. Bajo, A. Stănică, S. Dan, G. Maximov, G.Umgiesser. 2010. Preliminary simulations of surface coastal currents from the area of Constanţa to the border between Romania and Bulgaria. GEO-ECO-MARINA nr. 16/2010, 67-74.
- Tescari Stefania, Umgiesser G., Ferrarin C., Stănică A., 2006, “Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta”, GEO-ECO-MARINA VOL. 12/2006, 5-16,
- Stănică A., Ungureanu Gh., Cătălin Rotar C., Olariu C., Ilina S., 2005, “Evaluation of the annual wind transport rate in the dune area of the Sf. Gheorghe beach – Danube Delta, Black Sea.”, GEO-ECO-MARINA vol. 9-10/2004-2005, 41-46.
- Ungureanu Gh., Popescu Rodica, Stănică A., Axente Valerica, Milu Consuela, 2005, “Metals in the Danube River suspended sediments at the mouth of the Sf. Gheorghe distributary”, GEO-ECO-MARINA vol. 9-10/2004-2005, 62-70.
- Oaie Gh, Secrieru D., Szobotka St., Fulga Costina, Stănică A., 2005, “Danube River: sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the bottom sediments”, GEO-ECO-MARINA VOL. 11/2005, 77-86 –
- Ungureanu Gh., Stănică A., 2000 – “Impact of human activities on the evolution of the Romanian Black Sea beaches”, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, vol. 5/ 2000, pp. 111-115.
Dr. Adrian STĂNICĂ
Director Știinţific la Institutul Național de C-D pentru Geologie și Geoecologie Marină – GeoEcoMar
Telefon: +40212094986
Str. Dimitrie Onciul 23-25, 024053, Sector24, Bucuresti
Geomorfologie Costieră
- Morfologia plajelor
- Variații sezoniere și pe termen lung a morfologiei costiere
- Interacțiuni dintre plajă și zona de dune
- Dinamica apei și sedimentelor din partea submersă a plajelor
- Impactul intervențiilor umane asupra morfologiei costiere
- Impactul furtunilor extreme asupra comportamentului pe termen scurt al plajelor
- Interacțiuni fluvio-marine: Morfodinamica și transportul sedimentelor la gurile fluviilor
Alte Domenii
- Sedimentologie fluviala, deltaica și a platformei continentale
- Managementul Integrat al Zonei Costiere
- Analiza cauzala a problemelor ecologice in mediile marine și costiere
- Managementul resurselor de apă
- Politica științei în sistemele fluvii – delte – mări
Proiecte internationale reprezentative
- 2013-2015 – Coordonator general – proiect PC 7 (Programul Cadru 7 al Comisiei Europene – DG RTD) – DANCERS (DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea))
- 2007-2014: Coordonator pentru GeoEcoMar in PC6 CONSCIENCE, PC7 HYDRALAB IV, PC7 ARCH, proiect LIFE+ – SEDI.PORT.SIL
- 1995-2014: Participant în proiectele PC4 EROS 2000 și EROS 21, în PC5 EURO-GEO-ECO-CENTRE și MULINO (în calitate de Marie Curie Fellow at FEEM Veneția), PC6 IASON, PC6 SESAME, PC7 COCONET, proirct SEE (South East Europe) ECOPORT 8.
- 2006 – 2007: Coordonator regional pentru Marea Neagra pentru Analiza Cauzala – Analiza Diagnostica Transfrontaliera pentru Marea Neagra – 2007, BSERP (Black Sea Environmental Recovery Programme).
- 2005-2008 și 2009-2012: Coordonator pentru Europa de Est în proiectele NEAR 3 & 4 (Network for the Environmental Assessment and Remediation in aquatic systems) – finanțate de Fundația Elvețiană de Științe (coordinator general Universitatea din Geneva)
Proiecte naționale reprezentative
- 2011 – 2012: coordonator GeoEcoMar în consorțiul condus de către Halcrow UK pentru realizarea Masterplanului pentru protecția contra eroziunii al litoralului românesc al Mării Negre (fonduri structurale)
- 2008-2011: Coordonator al proiectului CLASS (proiect care a avut ca scop cartarea și modelarea curenților costieri de pe coasta de vest a Mării Negre, focalizat în principal asupra litoralului românesc), finanțat prin Programul Național PARTENERIATE – finanțat de către Autoritatea Națională pentru Cercetare Științifică – proiect 32130/2008. Modelul operațional obținut în CLASS poate fi accesat aici:
- 2008-2009: coordonator GeoEcoMar al proiectului COASTEROSION, finanțat de către United States Trade and Development Agency (asistență tehnică pentru analiza eroziunii costiere din fața Deltei Dunării)
- 2005 – 2007: coordonator GeoEcoMar al proiectului „Studiul pentru protecția și reabilitarea părții sudice a litoralului românesc al Mării Negre”, finanțat de către JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
- – din 1997 – coordonator GeoEcoMar pentru numeroase alte proiecte naționale de C&D privind dinamica și geomorfologia costieră.
- Stănică, A., Dan, S., Jimenez, J., Ungureanu, G.V., 2011 „Dealing with erosion along the Danube Delta coast. The CONSCIENCE experience towards a sustainable coastline management”, Ocean & Coastal Management 54, 898-906.
- Stănică A., Panin N., 2009, “Present evolution and future predictions for the deltaic coastal zone between the Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe Danube River mouths (Romania)” Geomorphology, 107, 41–46.
- Stănică A., Dan S., Ungureanu Gh., 2007, “Coastal changes at the Sulina mouth of the Danube River as a result of human activities”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55/10-12 pp. 555-563.
- Dan S., Stănică A. “The role of episodic water level variations for the dynamics of Danube Delta coastal zone”. Journal of Coastal Conservation (accepted for publication)
- Sanò, M., Jimenez, J.A., Medina, R., Stănică, A., Sanchez-Archilla, A., Trumbic, I., 2011 “The role of coastal setbacks in the context of coastal erosion and climate change”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 54, 943-950
- Marchand M, Sanchez-Arcilla A., Ferreira M., Gault J., Jiménez J.A., Markovic M., Mulder J., van Rijn L., Stănică A., Sulisz W., Sutherland J., 2011 “Concepts and science for coastal erosion management e An introduction to the CONSCIENCE framework”, Ocean & Coastal Management, 54, 859-866.
- N. Gruber, R. Kuhns, J. F. Steurer, A. Stănică, I. C. Lipan, L. Tofan, J. Mozingo, J. C. Roberge, T. Ehlinger, P. Ginther, J. D. Rosati., 2010, „Development of a Coastal Systems Operations Center for the Institutional Strengthening of Coastal Management Along the Romanian Black Sea”. Proceedings of the 2010 Watershed Management Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 951-965, Stock No. 41143 / ISBN 9780784411438
- Kuroki K., Goda Y., Panin N., Stănică A., Diaconeasa D., Babu Gh., 2007, “Beach erosion and its countermeasures along the Southern Romanian Black Sea shore” “Coastal Engineering 2006” (Proceedings of the 30th International Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 3-8 September 2006), vol 4, 3788-3799. ISBN-13: 978-9812706362
- Stănică A., Panin N., Caraivan G. 2013. Romanian coast. Chapter 20 in Allan Williams & Enzo Pranzini (general editors), Coastal Erosion and Protection in Europe. Publisher: Routledge, members of Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN-13: 9781849713399 (in press)
- Stănică A., The Danube Delta. Back to nature through international cooperation. Chapter in “Climate of Coastal Cooperation”. R. Misdorp Editor. Publishers: Coastal & Marine Union – EUCC (Leiden, the Netherlands),, ISBN 978-90-75502-09-1
- Stănică A., Panin N., Danube Delta. Chapter in “Comparative assessment of the vulnerability and resilience of 10 deltas – synthesis report. Delta Alliance Report No. 1.”, 2010, T. Bucx, M. Marchand, A. Makaske, C. van den Guchte Editors. Publishers: Delta Alliance International, Delft – Wageningen, the Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-90070-39-7
- Dominik J., Chapman D., Loiseau J-L, Stănică A., Vignati D. – Editors. „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6 –
- Stănică A., Thomas R., Interaction of the scientist with the media and public. In „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6. pp. 27-32. –ănică%20and%20Thomas%202010.pdf
- Stănică A., Ungureanu V.G., Understanding coastal morphology and sedimentology. In „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6. pp. 105-111. –ănică%20and%20Ungureanu%202010.pdf
- Dominik J., Stănică A., Thomas R., Soft sediment observation and characterisation in field courses. In „NEAR Curriculum in Natural Environmental Science”, 2010, Terre et Environnement, Vol. 88, 277, Geneva, Switzerland, ISBN 2–940153–87–6. pp. 231-242. –
- Electronic book. Galvani A., Georgiadis T., Marabini F., Caraivan G., Constantinescu S., Stănică A..- 2009- Evoluzione recente del Delta del Danubio in base a documenti cartografici, Curatore editoriale, M. Barazutti, Alma Mater Digital Library, University of Bologna (monograph),
- Giupponi C., Feas J., Stănică A., 2006, “Participative decision making for reorganising the irrigation system of the Cavallino Peninsula (Italy)” Italian Journal for Agronomy, No.4, pp. 715 – 725, 2006.
- Stănică A., Stancheva M., Ungureanu G.V., Peychev V., Palazov A., Stanchev H., Dutu F.. 2012. Types and Impacts of Maritime Hydraulic Structures on the Romanian – Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Setting-up a Common Catalogue for GIS-based Coastline Classification. GEO-ECO-MARINA nr. 18/2012, 105-113,
- I. Dinu, M. Bajo, G. Umgiesser, A. Stănică. 2011. Influence of wind and freshwater on the current circulation along the Romanian Black Sea coast. GEO-ECO-MARINA nr. 17/2011, 13-26.
- I. Dinu, M. Bajo, A. Stănică, S. Dan, G. Maximov, G.Umgiesser. 2010. Preliminary simulations of surface coastal currents from the area of Constanţa to the border between Romania and Bulgaria. GEO-ECO-MARINA nr. 16/2010, 67-74.
- Tescari Stefania, Umgiesser G., Ferrarin C., Stănică A., 2006, “Current circulation and sediment transport in the coastal zone in front of the Danube Delta”, GEO-ECO-MARINA VOL. 12/2006, 5-16,
- Stănică A., Ungureanu Gh., Cătălin Rotar C., Olariu C., Ilina S., 2005, “Evaluation of the annual wind transport rate in the dune area of the Sf. Gheorghe beach – Danube Delta, Black Sea.”, GEO-ECO-MARINA vol. 9-10/2004-2005, 41-46.
- Ungureanu Gh., Popescu Rodica, Stănică A., Axente Valerica, Milu Consuela, 2005, “Metals in the Danube River suspended sediments at the mouth of the Sf. Gheorghe distributary”, GEO-ECO-MARINA vol. 9-10/2004-2005, 62-70.
- Oaie Gh, Secrieru D., Szobotka St., Fulga Costina, Stănică A., 2005, “Danube River: sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the bottom sediments”, GEO-ECO-MARINA VOL. 11/2005, 77-86 –
- Ungureanu Gh., Stănică A., 2000 – “Impact of human activities on the evolution of the Romanian Black Sea beaches”, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, vol. 5/ 2000, pp. 111-115.
Gallery – Dendrogeomorphology
Profesor universitar
Telefon: +40744677068
Faculty of Geography, Babeș-Bolyai University, 5 – 7 Clinicilor Street, Cluj – Napoca, code 400006, Cluj County.
Domenii de cercetare
Geomorfologie Dinamică, Geomorfologie aplicată, Geomorfologie inginerească
- procese de mişcare în masă
- impactul proceselor geomorfologice contemporane în organizarea spaţiului geografic
- cercetarea transformării cuvetelor lacurilor de baraj (colmatare, formarea deltelor, dinamica tărmurilor)
- riscuri naturale
- geomorfosituri
- dendrogeomorfologie
Metode si tehnici în geomorfologie
- analiza cantitativă în studiul proceselor de mişcare în masă
- utilizarea datărilor absolute în reconstituirea proceselor geomorfologice
- cartografierea geomorfologică
- utilizarea dendrocronologiei în datarea proceselor geomorfologice contemporane
Geomorfologie didactică
- cursuri de geomorfologie generală și geomorfologie aplicată
- geomorfologie dinamică
- geomorfologie inginerească
- depozite superficiale
- Hazarde naturale şi antropice în spaţii locuite din judeţul Cluj, CNCSIS , 2000 – 2002 – director
- Potential natural, resurse si reconversie teritorială în aria de impact a activităților miniere din munţii Igniş, Gutăi şi Văratec. CNCSIS, 2002 – 2004 – membru
- Dezvoltarea cercetărilor geomorfologice prin implementarea măsurătorilor de dendrocronologie, CNCSIS, 2004 – director
- Studii geomorfologice şi climatice în zona carierei de argilă Colina, SC MINESA S.A., Cluj Napoca, 2004 – director contract
- Glimeele – un site geomorfologic unicat in peisajul depresiunii transilvaniei, CNCSIS – PNCDI II – director
- Analiza multicriteriala a hazardelor naturale si antropice din Tara Hategului. Posibilitati de integrare in evaluare a impactelor naturale de mediu, CNCSIS – director
- Rădoane, Maria, Rădoane, N., Ichim I., Surdeanu, V. (1999), Ravene. Forme, procese şi evoluţie, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 270 p.ISBN 973-595-025-1
- Surdeanu V., (1998), Geografia terenurilor degradate. Alunecări de teren, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca
- Driga B, Surdeanu V., (2007), Riscurile naturale din judetul Satu Mare, Ed. Arvin Press, Bucuresti, 206 pag.
- Goțiu Dana, Surdeanu V., (2007), Notiuni fundamentale in studiul riscurilor naturale. Ed. Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj Napoca, 150 pag.
- Surdeanu V., Goțiu Dana, (2008), Hazardele naturale si riscurile asociate din Tara Hategului, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, pag. 336.
- Surdeanu V., M. Stoffel, O. Pop, (2010), Dendrogeomorphologie et dendroclimatologie – Methodes de reconstitution des milieux geomorphologiques et climatiques des regions montagneuses, Presa Universitară Clujeană, pag. 159.
- Surdeanu V., Mac I., (2002), Environmental effects of the anthropic activity upon the diapir structures of the Transylvania Tableland, în vol. Documentation of Mountain Disasters. Ed. Ars Docendi, București, pg. 49 – 54.
- Ichim, I., Mihaiu Gh., Surdeanu, V., Rădoane, Maria, Rădoane, N., (1990), Gully erosion on agricultural lands in Romania. Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land, ed. J. Boardman, I. – L. Foster and J.- Dearing, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester-London, 55 – 69. ISBN 0 471 96202 7.
- Balteanu D., Jurchescu Marta, Surdeanu V., Ionita I., Goran C., Urdea P., Radoane Maria, Radoane N., Sima Mihaela, (2011), Recent Landform Evolution in the Romanian Carpathians and Pericarpathian Regions, , pag. 249-287, in Recent Landform Evolution. The Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Region, ed. Springer, editori: Denes Loczy, Milos Stankoviansky and Adam Kotarba, 453 pag.
- Irimuș I. A., Petrea D., Surdeanu V., Fodorean F. Gh., Pop O. T., (2009), Reconstitution des paleo-paysages Transylvains a partir des routes et des castres romains de la Dacie Superiueure, in vol.Ol’Man River” Geo-archaeological aspects of Rivers and rivers plains, Academia Press Ghent, 627, pag.49 – 50.
- Surdeanu V., Goțiu D., Irimus I.A., Petrea D., (2009), Some aspects regarding the evolutionof the floofplains of the Transylvanian Rivers and its influence upon the conservation of cultural resources, in vol.Ol’Man River” Geo-archaeological aspects of Rivers and rivers plains, Academia Press Ghent, 627 pag, pag 591 – 601.
- ***(1984), Catchement Experiments in Fluvial Geomorphology. Ed. Geo Books, Norwich, Anglia (colab.cap.4)
- ***(1988), Erosion Control:Stay in Tune. Ed.IECA, New Orleans, Louisiana, SUA
- ***(1990), Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land, Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York,Brisbane, Tortonto, Singapore, Anglia (colab.cap.I)
- Surdeanu V., (1986), Landslide and their role in reservoir silting. Zeischrift fr Geomorph., N.F., S.B. nr. 58, Berlin, Stuttgart, Germania.
- Surdeanu V., (1997), La rüpartition des glissements de terrain dans les Carpates Orientales (zone du Flysch). Geogr.Fis. et Dinam. Quater., vol 19/1996, Torino, Italia
- Surdeanu V., I. Rus, I.A. Irimus, D. Petrea, P.Cocean, (2009), Rainfall influence on landslide dynamics (Carpathian flysch area, Romania, in Geog. Fis. Dinam. Quat., nr 32, Italia, pag. 89 – 94.
- Surdeanu V., (1979), Recherches experimentales de terrain sur les glissements, Stud. géomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, vol.XV, Krakow, Polonia, pag.49-64
- Surdeanu V.,, N. Rădoane, C. Catană (1989), Le glissement de terrain Taşbuga (Carpathes Orientales), Stud. Géomorph. Carpatho-Balcanica, vol. XXIII, Krakow, Polonia, pag. 123-139
- Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (1991), Ciclicity and frequence of landslide in Romania. In vol. „Time, Frequence and dating in geomorphology”, Tatranska Lomnica-Stara Lesna, Slovakia
- Surdeanu V., (1994), Le risque naturel relatiff aux glissements de terrain dans les Carpates Orientales-la zone du flysch. In vol.CD „Environment and Quality of Life in Central Europe: Problems of Transition”, Ed. Albertina Icome, Praha,Cehia
- Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (1995), Rapports entre les processus de versant et la dynamique des alluvions dans les bassins hydrographiques petits. In vol. „Crues, versants et lits fluviaux, Paris, Franţa.
- Maria Rădoane, N. Rădoane, I.Ichim, Surdeanu V., (1999), Problems of gully erosion in Romanian’s landscape. In Vol. „Vegetation, Land Use and Erosion Processes” , ( Edited by I. Zăvoianu, D.E. Walling, P Şerban), Inat. de Geogr., Comisia UNESCO, pag. 79 – 88
- Maria Radoane, Surdeanu V.,, N.Radoane (2002), The impact of storage plants from the Bistrita river hydrografic basin over the landform dynamics. In vol. The seventh Romanian – Italian Workshop in Geomorphology „Environmental Geomorphology in the Mountain Regions”, Suceava, pg. 21-31
- Surdeanu V., (2003), Landslides in the mountains areas of Eastern Carpathian Flysch. Wurzburger Geographische Manuskripte, heft 63, Wurzburg, pg.153-163
- Surdeanu V.,, Radoane Maria, Radoane N. (2003), Erosion and gulling in Romania. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.150-155
- Dombay S., Cocean P., Surdeanu V., (2003), The Development of Torrential Erosion in Belchia Basin. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.166
- Raducan Ioana, Man T., Surdeanu V.,. (2003), The modelling of the gullies from Iara Depression. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.131-135
- Surdeanu V.,, I. Rus, Dana Gotiu (2006), Model for Natural Risks Regionalisation. Case study: Cluj Country. Prezentata la International Conference REGIONAL DIISPARITIES: TYPOLOGY, IMPACT, MANAGEMENT, 20-22 OCTOBER 2006, Cluj Napoca. .„Romanian Review of Regional Studies”, Cluj-Napoca, p. 24-35
- Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (2007), Rapport entre les processus de versant et la dynamique des alluvions dans les petits bassins hydrographiques (Roumanie). In vol. „Erosion, Vegetation, Amenagement, Pollutions”, Publie par Trav. de l’Institut de Geogrraphie de Reims, nr.123-124, vol. 31/2005, Ed.ERIGUR, pag. 111-122
- O. Pop, Surdeanu V.,, I.-A. IRIMUS, M. Guitton, (2010), Distribution spatiale des coulées de débris contemporaines dans le Massif du Calimani (Roumanie). Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geographia, Cluj-Napoca, tome LV, vol. 1, pp. 33 – 44.
- Manea S., Surdeanu V.,. Rus I.(2011), Anthropogenic Changes on Landforms in the Upper and Midle Sectors of Strei Basin. Rev. Roumaine de Geographie, 55(1). Bucuresti, pag.37-44
- Surdeanu V.,, Moldovan Monica – Loredana, Anghel T., Buimaga (cas. Buimaga-Iarinca) Stefan, Pop, o., Rus, I. (2011), Spatial distribution of deep-seated landslides (glimee) in the Transylvania Basin, Stud. Univ.Babes-Bolyai, s. Geographie, 2/2011, Cluj Napoca.
- Gavrilă, Ionela Georgiana, Man, T., Surdeanu V., (2011) „Geomorphological heritage assessment using GIS analysis for geotourism development in Măcin Mountains, Dobrogea, România”, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, ISSN 2065-0817, an IV, nr. 2, vol. 8, pag. 198-206.
- Manea, Stefania, Surdeanu V., (2012) “Relief, Support for Rural Communities Development in the Area of Upper and Middle Sectors of the Strei Valley”, Journal of Settlement and Spatial Planning, Special Issue no. 1, Cluj University Press, pag. 61-71.
- Manea, Ştefania, Surdeanu V., (2012), „Landslides Hazard Assessment in the Upper and Middle Sectors of the Strei Valley”, Rev. de Geomorfologie, vol. 14, Ed. Univ. din Bucureşti, pag. 49-55.
Professor at Babeș – Bolyai University, Cluj – Napoca (Faculty of Geography – Departament of Physical and Technical Geography)
Phone: +40744677068
Faculty of Geography, Babeș-Bolyai University, 5 – 7 Clinicilor Street, Cluj – Napoca, code 400006, Cluj County.
Dynamic Geomorphology, Applied Geomorphology, Engineering Geomorphology
- Mass movement
- Impact of contemporary geomorphological processes in organisation of geographical space
- Dams in geomorphology
- Gullies – forms, processes and evolution
- Natural Risks
- Geomorphosites
- Dendrogeomorphology
Methods and techniques in geomorphology
- quantitative analysis in the study of mass movement
- using absolute datings in reconstruction of geomorphological processes
- mapping geomorphology
- using dendrochronology in dating the contemporary geomorphological processes
Didactic geomorphology
- General and Applied Geomorphology
- Dynamic geomorphology
- Engineering Geomorphology
- Superficial deposits
- Natural and anthropogenic hazards in inhabited spaces in Cluj County, CNCSIS , 2000 – 2002 – manager
- Natural potential, resources and territorial reconversion in the impact area of mining activities in Igniş, Gutăi and Văratec mountains, CNCSIS, 2002 – 2004 – member
- Geomorphological research development by implementing dendrochronology measurements, CNCSIS, 2004 – manager
- Geomorphological and climatic studies in the Colina quarry area, SC MINESA S.A., Cluj Napoca, 2004 – manager
- Deep – seated landslides (Glimee) – an unique geomorphological site in the Transylvania Basin landscape, CNCSIS – PNCDI II – manager
- Multi-criteria analysis of natural and anthropogenic hazards in Hațeg County. Integration possibilities in natural environmental impacts assessment, CNCSIS – manager
- Rădoane, Maria, Rădoane, N., Ichim I., Surdeanu, V. (1999), Ravene. Forme, procese şi evoluţie, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 270 p.ISBN 973-595-025-1
- Surdeanu V., (1998), Geografia terenurilor degradate. Alunecări de teren, Ed. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca
- Driga B, Surdeanu V., (2007), Riscurile naturale din judetul Satu Mare, Ed. Arvin Press, Bucuresti, 206 pag.
- Goțiu Dana, Surdeanu V., (2007), Notiuni fundamentale in studiul riscurilor naturale. Ed. Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj Napoca, 150 pag.
- Surdeanu V., Goțiu Dana, (2008), Hazardele naturale si riscurile asociate din Tara Hategului, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, pag. 336.
- Surdeanu V., M. Stoffel, O. Pop, (2010), Dendrogeomorphologie et dendroclimatologie – Methodes de reconstitution des milieux geomorphologiques et climatiques des regions montagneuses, Presa Universitară Clujeană, pag. 159.
- Surdeanu V., Mac I., (2002), Environmental effects of the anthropic activity upon the diapir structures of the Transylvania Tableland, în vol. Documentation of Mountain Disasters. Ed. Ars Docendi, București, pg. 49 – 54.
Contributions in international books
- Ichim, I., Mihaiu Gh., Surdeanu, V., Rădoane, Maria, Rădoane, N., (1990), Gully erosion on agricultural lands in Romania. Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land, ed. J. Boardman, I. – L. Foster and J.- Dearing, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester-London, 55 – 69. ISBN 0 471 96202 7.
- Balteanu D., Jurchescu Marta, Surdeanu V., Ionita I., Goran C., Urdea P., Radoane Maria, Radoane N., Sima Mihaela, (2011), Recent Landform Evolution in the Romanian Carpathians and Pericarpathian Regions, , pag. 249-287, in Recent Landform Evolution. The Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaric Region, ed. Springer, editori: Denes Loczy, Milos Stankoviansky and Adam Kotarba, 453 pag.
- Irimuș I. A., Petrea D., Surdeanu V., Fodorean F. Gh., Pop O. T., (2009), Reconstitution des paleo-paysages Transylvains a partir des routes et des castres romains de la Dacie Superiueure, in vol.Ol’Man River” Geo-archaeological aspects of Rivers and rivers plains, Academia Press Ghent, 627, pag.49 – 50.
- Surdeanu V., Goțiu D., Irimus I.A., Petrea D., (2009), Some aspects regarding the evolutionof the floofplains of the Transylvanian Rivers and its influence upon the conservation of cultural resources, in vol.Ol’Man River” Geo-archaeological aspects of Rivers and rivers plains, Academia Press Ghent, 627 pag, pag 591 – 601.
- ***(1984), Catchement Experiments in Fluvial Geomorphology. Ed. Geo Books, Norwich, Anglia (colab.cap.4)
- ***(1988), Erosion Control:Stay in Tune. Ed.IECA, New Orleans, Louisiana, SUA
- ***(1990), Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land, Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York,Brisbane, Tortonto, Singapore, Anglia (colab.cap.I)
ISI publication
- Surdeanu V., (1986), Landslide and their role in reservoir silting. Zeischrift fr Geomorph., N.F., S.B. nr. 58, Berlin, Stuttgart, Germania.
- Surdeanu V., (1997), La rüpartition des glissements de terrain dans les Carpates Orientales (zone du Flysch). Geogr.Fis. et Dinam. Quater., vol 19/1996, Torino, Italia
- Surdeanu V., I. Rus, I.A. Irimus, D. Petrea, P.Cocean, (2009), Rainfall influence on landslide dynamics (Carpathian flysch area, Romania, in Geog. Fis. Dinam. Quat., nr 32, Italia, pag. 89 – 94.
BDI Publications
- Surdeanu V., (1979), Recherches experimentales de terrain sur les glissements, Stud. géomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica, vol.XV, Krakow, Polonia, pag.49-64
- Surdeanu V.,, N. Rădoane, C. Catană (1989), Le glissement de terrain Taşbuga (Carpathes Orientales), Stud. Géomorph. Carpatho-Balcanica, vol. XXIII, Krakow, Polonia, pag. 123-139
- Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (1991), Ciclicity and frequence of landslide in Romania. In vol. „Time, Frequence and dating in geomorphology”, Tatranska Lomnica-Stara Lesna, Slovakia
- Surdeanu V., (1994), Le risque naturel relatiff aux glissements de terrain dans les Carpates Orientales-la zone du flysch. In vol.CD „Environment and Quality of Life in Central Europe: Problems of Transition”, Ed. Albertina Icome, Praha,Cehia
- Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (1995), Rapports entre les processus de versant et la dynamique des alluvions dans les bassins hydrographiques petits. In vol. „Crues, versants et lits fluviaux, Paris, Franţa.
- Maria Rădoane, N. Rădoane, I.Ichim, Surdeanu V., (1999), Problems of gully erosion in Romanian’s landscape. In Vol. „Vegetation, Land Use and Erosion Processes” , ( Edited by I. Zăvoianu, D.E. Walling, P Şerban), Inat. de Geogr., Comisia UNESCO, pag. 79 – 88
- Maria Radoane, Surdeanu V.,, N.Radoane (2002), The impact of storage plants from the Bistrita river hydrografic basin over the landform dynamics. In vol. The seventh Romanian – Italian Workshop in Geomorphology „Environmental Geomorphology in the Mountain Regions”, Suceava, pg. 21-31
- Surdeanu V., (2003), Landslides in the mountains areas of Eastern Carpathian Flysch. Wurzburger Geographische Manuskripte, heft 63, Wurzburg, pg.153-163
- Surdeanu V.,, Radoane Maria, Radoane N. (2003), Erosion and gulling in Romania. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.150-155
- Dombay S., Cocean P., Surdeanu V., (2003), The Development of Torrential Erosion in Belchia Basin. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.166
- Raducan Ioana, Man T., Surdeanu V.,. (2003), The modelling of the gullies from Iara Depression. In vol. „Gully erosion in Mountain Areas:Processes, Measurement, Modelling and Regionalization”, Digne-les-Bains, France, pg.131-135
- Surdeanu V.,, I. Rus, Dana Gotiu (2006), Model for Natural Risks Regionalisation. Case study: Cluj Country. Prezentata la International Conference REGIONAL DIISPARITIES: TYPOLOGY, IMPACT, MANAGEMENT, 20-22 OCTOBER 2006, Cluj Napoca. .„Romanian Review of Regional Studies”, Cluj-Napoca, p. 24-35
- Surdeanu V.,, Sanda Zemianschi (2007), Rapport entre les processus de versant et la dynamique des alluvions dans les petits bassins hydrographiques (Roumanie). In vol. „Erosion, Vegetation, Amenagement, Pollutions”, Publie par Trav. de l’Institut de Geogrraphie de Reims, nr.123-124, vol. 31/2005, Ed.ERIGUR, pag. 111-122
- O. Pop, Surdeanu V.,, I.-A. IRIMUS, M. Guitton, (2010), Distribution spatiale des coulées de débris contemporaines dans le Massif du Calimani (Roumanie). Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geographia, Cluj-Napoca, tome LV, vol. 1, pp. 33 – 44.
- Manea S., Surdeanu V.,. Rus I.(2011), Anthropogenic Changes on Landforms in the Upper and Midle Sectors of Strei Basin. Rev. Roumaine de Geographie, 55(1). Bucuresti, pag.37-44
- Surdeanu V.,, Moldovan Monica – Loredana, Anghel T., Buimaga (cas. Buimaga-Iarinca) Stefan, Pop, o., Rus, I. (2011), Spatial distribution of deep-seated landslides (glimee) in the Transylvania Basin, Stud. Univ.Babes-Bolyai, s. Geographie, 2/2011, Cluj Napoca.
- Gavrilă, Ionela Georgiana, Man, T., Surdeanu V., (2011) „Geomorphological heritage assessment using GIS analysis for geotourism development in Măcin Mountains, Dobrogea, România”, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, ISSN 2065-0817, an IV, nr. 2, vol. 8, pag. 198-206.
- Manea, Stefania, Surdeanu V., (2012) “Relief, Support for Rural Communities Development in the Area of Upper and Middle Sectors of the Strei Valley”, Journal of Settlement and Spatial Planning, Special Issue no. 1, Cluj University Press, pag. 61-71.
- Manea, Ştefania, Surdeanu V., (2012), „Landslides Hazard Assessment in the Upper and Middle Sectors of the Strei Valley”, Rev. de Geomorfologie, vol. 14, Ed. Univ. din Bucureşti, pag. 49-55.
CV (EN) Zenaida CHIȚU
Dr. Zenaida CHIȚU
Asistant lecturer, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest
Phone: +40728 219 255
Faculty of Geography, Spiru Haret University, Ion Ghica Street, No. 13, Sector 3, Bucharest
- Understanding the landslide processes
- Understanding the relationship between landslides and triggering factors
- Spatial and Temporal Landslide Hazard Assessment
- Time Series Analysis
- Sedimentary Media Modelling Platform for Groundwater Management in Urban Areas, project POS CCE (2010-2013) – member (2010-2011);
- Spatial and temporal prediction of landslide hazard using GIS. A case study in Subcarpathians between Prahova and Ialomita Valleys, project PN2 –TD-266 (2007-2009) – Principal Investigator
- Database for analysis, mapping and sustainable management of hazard and risk situations in urban space. Applications in the city Orşova, project AT 147 –CNCS (2006-2007), member
- Chitu, Z., Sandric, I.; Mihai, B.,Savulescu,I., (2009) Evaluate Landslide Susceptibility using Statistical Multivariate Methods: A case-study in the Prahova Subcarpathians, in Landslide Processes from Geomorphologic mapping to dynamic modelling, Editori : Malet, Remaitre & Boogard, Editura CERG, Strasbourg ISBN 2-9518317-1-4
- Gogu, R., Velasco,V., Vázquez – Suñe, E., Gaitanaru. D., Chitu, Z., Bica, I., (2011) Sedimentary media analysis platform for groundwater modeling in urban areas, Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-24075-1
- Sandric, I., Mihai, B., Chitu, Z., (2010) Object-oriented methods for landslides detection using high resolution imagery, morphometric properties and meteorological data, ISPRS 1910-2010 Centenary Celebration Symposiom, Technical Comission VII, ISSN 1682 -1777
- Sandric I., Chitu Z.,(2011) Landslide inventory for the administrativ area of Breaza town, Curvature Subcarpathians, Romania; Journal of Maps, Special Issue: Geomorphological Mapping, ISSN: 1744-5647
- Mihai, B., Şandric, I., Săvulescu, I., Chiţu, Z., (2009) Detailed Mapping of Landslide Susceptibility for Urban Planning Purposes in Carpathian and Subcarpathian Towns of Romania. Case studies. Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISSN 1863-2246
- Mihai, B., Reynard E., Werren G., Savulescu, I., Sandric I., Chitu Z., (2009) Impacts of tourism on geomorphological processes în the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, , Geographica Helvetica, Swiss Journal of Geography, Nr. 3, Zürich
- Mihai, B., Şandric, I., Chiţu, Z, Some contributions to the drawing of the general geomorphic map using GIS tools. An application to Timis Mountains, Revista de Geomorfologie, 10/2008, ISSN: 1453 – 5068
CV (RO) Zenaida CHIȚU
Dr. Zenaida CHIȚU
Asistent univ. dr., Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea Spiru Haret, Bucuresti
Telefon: +40728 219 255
Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea Spiru Haret, Bucuresti, Bld. N. Balcescu, nr. 1, Sector 4, Bucuresti
Alunecări de teren
- Înțelegerea mecanismelor de alunecare;
- Înțelegerea relației dintre alunecările de teren și factorii declanșatori;
- Evaluarea spațială și temporală a hazardului la alunecări de teren;
Alte Domenii
- Analiza seriilor de timp
- Platforma de gestiune a apei subterane din mediul sedimentar in zone urbane, proiect POS-CCE (2010-2013) – membru (2010-2011);
- Predictia spatio-temporala a hazardului la alunecari de teren utilizand tehnici GIS. Studiu de caz arealul subcarpatic dintre Valea Prahovei si Valea Ialomitei, proiect PN II TD 266- CNCS (2007-2009) – director de proiect
- Baza de date pentru analiza, cartografierea şi gestiunea durabilă a situaţiilor de hazard şi risc în spaţiul urban. Aplicaţii în oraşul Orşova, proiect AT 147 CNCS (2006-2007) – membru
- Chitu, Z., Sandric, I.; Mihai, B.,Savulescu,I., (2009) Evaluate Landslide Susceptibility using Statistical Multivariate Methods: A case-study in the Prahova Subcarpathians, in Landslide Processes from Geomorphologic mapping to dynamic modelling, Editori : Malet, Remaitre & Boogard, Editura CERG, Strasbourg ISBN 2-9518317-1-4
- Gogu, R., Velasco,V., Vázquez – Suñe, E., Gaitanaru. D., Chitu, Z., Bica, I., (2011) Sedimentary media analysis platform for groundwater modeling in urban areas, Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-24075-1
- Sandric, I., Mihai, B., Chitu, Z., (2010) Object-oriented methods for landslides detection using high resolution imagery, morphometric properties and meteorological data, ISPRS 1910-2010 Centenary Celebration Symposiom, Technical Comission VII, ISSN 1682 -1777
- Sandric I., Chitu Z.,(2011) Landslide inventory for the administrativ area of Breaza town, Curvature Subcarpathians, Romania; Journal of Maps, Special Issue: Geomorphological Mapping, ISSN: 1744-5647
- Mihai, B., Şandric, I., Săvulescu, I., Chiţu, Z., (2009) Detailed Mapping of Landslide Susceptibility for Urban Planning Purposes in Carpathian and Subcarpathian Towns of Romania. Case studies. Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISSN 1863-2246
- Mihai, B., Reynard E., Werren G., Savulescu, I., Sandric I., Chitu Z., (2009) Impacts of tourism on geomorphological processes în the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, , Geographica Helvetica, Swiss Journal of Geography, Nr. 3, Zürich
- Mihai, B., Şandric, I., Chiţu, Z, Some contributions to the drawing of the general geomorphic map using GIS tools. An application to Timis Mountains, Revista de Geomorfologie, 10/2008, ISSN: 1453 – 5068
CV (EN) Adrian Grozavu
Dr. Adrian Grozavu
Associate Professor
Phone: +40729084850
Department of Geography, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Blvd. Carol I, 20A, 700505, Iaşi, Romania
- Natural and anthropic hazards and risks
- Landslide susceptibility and risk assessment
Land use’s impact on slope stability
- Landslides inventory in Eastern Romania
- Involvement of the anthropic factor in the degradation of environment’s quality
- Grozavu, A., Kocsis, L-Şt. et al., 2005, Dicţionar poliglot multimedia de Mediu şi Ştiinţe ale Pământului, Edit. Azimuth, Iaşi, 646 p., ISBN 973-87276-1-8.
- Grozavu, A., 2003, Subcarpaţii dintre Trotuş şi Şuşiţa. Studiu fizico-geografic, Edit. Corson, Iaşi, 317 p., ISBN 973-8225-15-9.
- Iosep, I., Grozavu, A., 2003, Cartografie. Îndrumar de activităţi asistate pentru învăţământ la distanţă, Edit. Universităţii “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, 66 p., ISBN 973-8293-92-8.
- Brânduş, C., Grozavu, A., Efros, V., Chiriţă, V., 1998, Dicţionar de termeni fizico-geografici, Edit. Chemarea, Iaşi, 438 p., ISBN 973-9237-49-5.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Patriche, C.V., Mărgărint, M.C., Roşca, B., 2013, Landslide susceptibility assessment: GIS application to a complex mountainous environment, Integrating Nature and Society towards Sustainability, J. Kozak et al. (eds.), Edit. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (in press).
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Dimitriu, R.I., 2012, La dynamique des surfaces boisées dans les cent vingt dernières années des bassins hydrographiques de Ozana et Topoliţa (Carpates Orientales, Roumanie), Terre hautes – terres basses: disparités, Hochland – Tiefland: Disparitäten, (rédaction: Furter R., Head-König A.L., Lorenzetti L., Mathieu J.), pp. 165 – 177, Edit. Cronos, Zürich, ISBN 978-3-0340-1130-3.
- Grozavu, A., Mărgărint, M.C., Patriche, C.V., 2010, GIS applications for landslide susceptibility assessment: a case study in Iaşi County (Moldavian Plateau, Romania), Risk Analysis VII & Brownfields V, Brebbia C.A. (ed.), pp. 393-404, WITpress, Southampton, ISSN 1746-4463.
- Stângă, I. C., Grozavu, A., 2012: Quantifying human vulnerability in rural areas: case study of Tutova Hills (Eastern Romania), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1987-2001, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-1987-2012.
- Grozavu, A., Mărgărint, M.C., Patriche, C.V., 2012, Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Brăieşti-Sineşti sector of Iaşi Cuesta, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7(1), pp. 39-46.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Mărgărint M.C., 2012, Indicators for the assessment of exposure to geomorphologic and hydrologic processes, Environmental Engineering Management Journal (accepted paper).
- Ceobanu, C., Grozavu, A., 2009, Psychosocial effects of the floods. Perception and attitudes, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 4(2), pp. 25-38.
- Najib, S., Grozavu, A., Mehdi, K., Breabăn, I.G., Guessir, H., Boutayeb, K., 2012, Application of the method GALDIT for the cartography of groundwaters vulnerability: aquifer of Chaouia coast (Morocco), An. Şt. Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, seria IIc, Geografie, tom LVII, pp. 79-86.
- Lounang Tchatchouang, F.C., Tchagang Nono, E.R., Youta Happi, J., Grozavu, A., 2012, Problematique de la conservation des formations vegetales residuelles a Batoufam dans les hautes terres de l’Ouest Cameroun, An. Şt. Univ „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, seria IIc, Geografie, tom LVII, pp. 79-86.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Patriche, C.V., Tomaşciuc, Ana-Maria Ioana, Urdea, Roxana, Ungurianu I., 2011, Evaluation des risques de glissements de terrain par la méthode de la régression logistique: application à deux zones basses de Roumanie, Dynamiques environnementales, 28, pp. 41-50.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Mărgărint, M.C., 2011, Comparative methods for the evaluation of the natural risks factors’s importance, Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 5(1), pp. 33-40.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Vasiliniuc, I., 2011, GIS applications in the analysis of territorial evolution of localities, Lucr. Simpoz. „Sisteme informaţionale geografice”, 15, pp. 67-78.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., 2010, The natural risks perception in Lepşa-Greşu Depression, Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 4, pp. 199-210.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Condorachi, D., Pleşcan, S., Boamfă, I., 2010, Geomorphometric features of the built areas of the localities along Iaşi Cuesta, Geographia Technica, 2/2010, pp. 79-89.
CV (RO) Adrian Grozavu
Dr. Adrian Grozavu
Telefon: +40729084850
Departamentul de Geografie, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi, Bld. Carol I, nr. 20A, 700505, Iaşi, Romania
- Hazarde şi riscuri naturale şi antropice
- Evaluarea susceptibilităţii şi riscului la alunecări de teren
- Impactul utilizării terenurilor asupra stabilităţii versanţilor
- Inventarul alunecărilor de teren în partea de est a României
- Implicarea factorului antropic în degradarea calităţii mediului
- Grozavu, A., Kocsis, L-Şt. şi colab., 2005, Dicţionar poliglot multimedia de Mediu şi Ştiinţe ale Pământului, Edit. Azimuth, Iaşi, 646 p., ISBN 973-87276-1-8.
- Grozavu, A., 2003, Subcarpaţii dintre Trotuş şi Şuşiţa. Studiu fizico-geografic, Edit. Corson, Iaşi, 317 p., ISBN 973-8225-15-9.
- Iosep, I., Grozavu, A., 2003, Cartografie. Îndrumar de activităţi asistate pentru învăţământ la distanţă, Edit. Universităţii “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, 66 p., ISBN 973-8293-92-8.
- Brânduş, C., Grozavu, A., Efros, V., Chiriţă, V., 1998, Dicţionar de termeni fizico-geografici, Edit. Chemarea, Iaşi, 438 p., ISBN 973-9237-49-5.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Patriche, C.V., Mărgărint, M.C., Roşca, B., 2013, Landslide susceptibility assessment: GIS application to a complex mountainous environment, Integrating Nature and Society towards Sustainability, J. Kozak et al. (eds.), Edit. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (in press).
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Dimitriu, R.I., 2012, La dynamique des surfaces boisées dans les cent vingt dernières années des bassins hydrographiques de Ozana et Topoliţa (Carpates Orientales, Roumanie), Terre hautes – terres basses: disparités, Hochland – Tiefland: Disparitäten, (rédaction: Furter R., Head-König A.L., Lorenzetti L., Mathieu J.), pp. 165 – 177, Edit. Cronos, Zürich, ISBN 978-3-0340-1130-3.
- Grozavu, A., Mărgărint, M.C., Patriche, C.V., 2010, GIS applications for landslide susceptibility assessment: a case study in Iaşi County (Moldavian Plateau, Romania), Risk Analysis VII & Brownfields V, Brebbia C.A. (ed.), pp. 393-404, WITpress, Southampton, ISSN 1746-4463.
- Stângă, I. C., Grozavu, A., 2012: Quantifying human vulnerability in rural areas: case study of Tutova Hills (Eastern Romania), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1987-2001, doi:10.5194/nhess-12-1987-2012.
- Grozavu, A., Mărgărint, M.C., Patriche, C.V., 2012, Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Brăieşti-Sineşti sector of Iaşi Cuesta, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7(1), pp. 39-46.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Mărgărint M.C., 2012, Indicators for the assessment of exposure to geomorphologic and hydrologic processes, Environmental Engineering Management Journal (accepted paper).
- Ceobanu, C., Grozavu, A., 2009, Psychosocial effects of the floods. Perception and attitudes, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 4(2), pp. 25-38.
- Najib, S., Grozavu, A., Mehdi, K., Breabăn, I.G., Guessir, H., Boutayeb, K., 2012, Application of the method GALDIT for the cartography of groundwaters vulnerability: aquifer of Chaouia coast (Morocco), An. Şt. Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, seria IIc, Geografie, tom LVII, pp. 79-86.
- Lounang Tchatchouang, F.C., Tchagang Nono, E.R., Youta Happi, J., Grozavu, A., 2012, Problematique de la conservation des formations vegetales residuelles a Batoufam dans les hautes terres de l’Ouest Cameroun, An. Şt. Univ „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, seria IIc, Geografie, tom LVII, pp. 79-86.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Patriche, C.V., Tomaşciuc, Ana-Maria Ioana, Urdea, Roxana, Ungurianu I., 2011, Evaluation des risques de glissements de terrain par la méthode de la régression logistique: application à deux zones basses de Roumanie, Dynamiques environnementales, 28, pp. 41-50.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Mărgărint, M.C., 2011, Comparative methods for the evaluation of the natural risks factors’s importance, Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 5(1), pp. 33-40.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., Vasiliniuc, I., 2011, GIS applications in the analysis of territorial evolution of localities, Lucr. Simpoz. „Sisteme informaţionale geografice”, 15, pp. 67-78.
- Grozavu, A., Pleşcan, S., 2010, The natural risks perception in Lepşa-Greşu Depression, Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 4, pp. 199-210.
- Mărgărint, M.C., Grozavu, A., Condorachi, D., Pleşcan, S., Boamfă, I., 2010, Geomorphometric features of the built areas of the localities along Iaşi Cuesta, Geographia Technica, 2/2010, pp. 79-89.
Telefon: +40740977942
Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea Spiru Haret, Bucuresti, Bd. Timisoara, 58; Sector 6, 061333, România
Geomorfologie dinamică, Riscuri geomorfologice, Geomorfologie regională, Geomorfologie aplicată
- cercetarea si evaluarea arealelor afectate de procese geomorfologice actuale
- studii geomorfologice regionale in vederea sistematizarilor teritoriale
- impactul fenomenelor climatice extreme asupra proceselor hidrogeomorfologice
- modificarea proceselor geomorfologice actuale în condiţii naturale si amenajate
- evaluarea si prognoza proceselor geomorfologice ca factor decizional în proiectele de dezvoltare durabilă locală
- analiza dinamicii reliefului în spatii modificate de activitătile antropice
- impactul reliefului structural si petrografic asupra peisajelor – geomorfosituri
- elaborarea hărtilor geomorfologice tematice
Metode si tehnici în geomorfologie
- analiza cantitativă a proceselor geomorfologice (metode de măsurare si evaluare, prelucarea bazelor de date)
- metode de datare comparată în vederea reconstituirii geocronologice a proceselor geomorfologice
- cartografierea geomorfologică (traditională si în sistem GIS); elaborarea blocdiagramelor
Geomorfologie didactică
- cursuri de geomorfologie generală și geomorfologie aplicată
- valorificarea cercetărilor de teren în activitatea educațională
- Calitatea mediului şi managementul resurselor naturale şi antropice ale comunităţilor rurale din judeţul Brasov (2006–2008) – proiectul CEEX 22/2006 – responsabil partener ACSCM
- Studiul impactului ariilor naturale protejate din judeţul Braşov grant CNCSIS, 2004 – 2006 responsabil partener ACSCM
- Metode de prelucrare a datelor geospaţiale în vederea evidenţierii, monitorizării şi gestionării fenomenelor de risc pe Dunăre şi în Lunca Dunării (2003-2006), contract cercetare cu Agentia Aerospatială – responsabil partener ACSCM – director contract
- Studiul ariilor protejate din jud. Braşov (1997-1999) contract-proiect cercetare cu C.J. Braşov – responsabil proiect
- Dinamica şi starea actuală a structurilor fizico-geografice şi socio-economice din Valea Dunării între Baziaş şi Isaccea (1997-2001), responsabil grant 6.2, Proeco/97822 din Orizont 2000 MECT – coordonator
- Evaluarea arealelor degradate din judeţele Prahova şi Argeş (1995-1999), responsabil grant 7.2 Obct. 1271/1996 din programul Orizont 2000 al MECT – coordonator
- Reabilitarea terenurilor degradate în urma exploatării lignitului din Nordul Olteniei (1992-1996), coordonator proiect cercetare 565/ICSPPIML CRAIOVA
- CIOACĂ, Adrian, JOSAN, N., GRIGORE, M., (1983), Relieful structural şi petrografic, in vol. Geografia României, I, Geografia Fizica, p. 100 – 104, 2 fig.,3 foto; Editura Academiei, Bucure;ti 1983, vol. ISBN 973-582-759-X
- CIOACĂ, Adrian (1987), Munţii Bodoc, Baraolt şi Perşani, in vol.Geografia României, III, Carpaţii româneşti şi Depresiunea Transilvaniei, p. 175 – 185, 4 fig., 2 foto; , Editura Academiei, Bucure;ti 1987, ISBN 973-582-759-X
- CIOACĂ, Adrian, STEFĂNESCU, Ioana (1993) Subcarpaţii Vrancei, in vol. Geografia României,IV, Regiunile pericarpatice (Dealurile şi Câmpia Bantului şi Crişanei; Podişul Mehedinţi, Subcarpaţii, Piemontul Getic, Podisul Moldovei), pp. 302 – 316, 3 fig.,3 foto; I Editura Academiei, Bucure;ti, 1993, ISBN 973-270180-3.
- CIOACĂ, Adrian, DINU, MIHAELA, (2000) Telega-Meliceşti landslide., in vol.Geomorfological processes in the tectonic active areas, The Fifth Romanian-Italian Workshop on geomorphology, Editori BĂLTEANU, D., IELENICZ, M., pp. 13-19, 2 foto, 2 hărţi, Bucureşti , ISBN 973-558-023-3
- CIOACĂ, A. (2002), Munţii Perşani. Studiu geomorfologic, 148 p., 45 hărţi , 5 foto, Edit. Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti ISBN 973-582-579-1
- POSEA, GR., CIOACĂ, Adrian (2002), Cartografierea geomorfologică, 198 p., 85 fig. Edit. Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti , ISBN 973-582-650-X
- GÂŞTESCU, P., CIOACĂ, Adrian (2003), Insulele Terrei, 244 p, Editura Transversal, Târgovişte. ISBN 973-85827-4-1
- CIOACĂ, Adrian (2006), Probleme speciale de Geomorfologie. 296 p., 16 foto, 152 figuri, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, ISBN (10) 973-725-565-8; (13) 978-973-725-565-5
- CIOACĂ, Adrian (2008), Geografia regională a României, 184 p., 44 hărţi, 20 foto, 17 tabele, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, ISBN 978-973-163-094-6
- CIOACĂ, Adrian, DINU, Mihaela (2010), Romanian Carpathian Landscapes and cultures cap.16, in vol. Landscapes and societies–Selected cases, p. 257-271, Editors: Martini, I. Peter & Chesword Warth, Springer Science – Business Media B.V., Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, ISBN: 978-90-481-9412-4; DOI: 10,1007/978-90-481-9413-1
- CIOACĂ, Adrian, DINU, Mihaela, (2009) The role of the River Olt Alluvial Plains in the Emergennce and Evolution of Human Communities., in vol.Ol’Man River. Geo-archaeological aspects of rivers and river plains, Editors Morgan De Dapper, Franck Vermeulen, Sarah Deprez & Devi Taelman, pp.213-229, Archaeological Reports Ghent University, 5, Academia Press, ISBN 97890-382-1404-7
- CIOACĂ Adrian, DINU, Mihaela (1995), Geomorphological hazards. Lignite mining and the newly-built relief in the North of Oltenia (Romania). Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Torino, vol 18, 1996, p, 3-6, 1 fig, Riass., Italia. IT ISSN 0391-9838
- DINU, Mihaela, CIOACĂ. Adrian (1997), Some geomorphological risk factors in the Curvature Carpathians and Subcarpathians, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Torino, 19, p.233 – 238, 3 fig., Abstr., Riass., Italia; IT ISSN 0391-9838
- CIOACĂ, Adrian (1997), Lanslides in the Carpathian curvature Paleogene Flysch. Particularities, Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria. Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Torino,19, pp.223 – 226, 2 fig, Abstr., Riass., Italia, IT ISSN 0391-9838;
- CIOACĂ, A, DINU, Mihaela (2000), The impact of exploiting natural subsoil resurces on Subcarpathian relief (Romania), Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria. Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Torino, 22, pp. 3-14, 6 fig, Abstr., Riass., Rezumat, Italia, IT ISSN 0391-9838
- CIOACĂ, A, DINU, Mihaela (2002), Pliocene-Quaternary Evolution in the contact area between Brasov Depression and the surrounding mountains,(Romania), Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria. Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Torino, 24, pp. 3-14, 2 fig, Abstr., Rezumat, Italia. IT ISSN 0391-9838
- CIOACĂ, Adrian , DINU Mihaela (2009) Recent evolution of the geomorphic process in the mountain space in Braşov county (Romania) Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria. Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, Torino, 29, pp. 23-34, 2 fig, Abstr., Rezumat, Italia. IT ISSN 0391-9838
CV (EN) Paul-Alexandru MANOLIU
Geogr. Paul-Alexandru MANOLIU
Universitatea din București & Asistent cercetător științific la Institutul de cercetare-dezvoltare pentru Protecția Mediului
Phone: +40749665023
294 Splaiul Independentei, 6th District, 060031, Bucharest, ROMÂNIA
Mountain Geomorphology
- Geomorphological hazards
- Hazard mapping
- Avalanches
- Risk assessment
- Numerical modelling of geomorphological processes
- Hidraulic modelling
- Flooding assessment
- Monitoring the environmental impact of the works regarding the improvement of the navigation conditions on the Danube river between Calarași and Brăila, km 375-175 – GIS analyst
- Ecological rehabilitation of aquatic and forest habitats- Dâmbovița upper sector, Făgăraș Mountains (Life_11_Nat_Ro_123)- GIS analyst
- Manoliu, P., Tănăsescu A., 2013. GIS tools for avalanche risk assessment. Proceedings of International symposium „ Romania between Occident and Orient” 187-198
CV (RO) Paul-Alexandru MANOLIU
Geogr. Paul-Alexandru MANOLIU
Universitatea din București & Asistent cercetător științific la Institutul de cercetare-dezvoltare pentru Protecția Mediului
Telefon: +40749665023
Splaiul Independenței, nr. 296, sector 6, 060031, București
Mountain Geomorphology
- Hazarde Geormofologice
- Cartarea hazardelor geomorfologice
- Avalanșe
- Monitorizarea riscurilor
- Modelarea numerică a proceselor geomorfologice
- Modelare hidraulică
- Monitorizarea inundațiilor
- „Monitorizarea impactului asupra mediului a lucrărilor de îmbunătătire a condițiilor de navigație pe Dunăre intre Călărași si Braila, km 375-175” -analist SIG
- „Reabilatarea ecologică a habitatelor forestiere și acvatice a sectorului superior a-l bazinului hidrografic Dâmbovița”-Munții Făgăraș (Life_11_Nat_Ro_123) -analist SIG
- Manoliu, P., Tănăsescu A., 2013. Metode SIG pentru evaluarea riscului la avalanșe. Volumul simpozionului internațional „România între Occident și Orient”
Drd. Patrick CHIROIU
Universitatea de Vest Timișoara (Departmentul de Geografie)
Telefon: +40762690960
Departmentul de Geografie, Universitatea de Vest Timișoara, Blv. Vasile Pârvan, Nr. 4, 300223, Timișoara
- Procese de versant
- Procese periglaciare
- Permafrost montan
Metode și tehnici în geomorfologie
- Dendrogeomorfologie
Onaca, A., Magori, B., Urdea, P., Chiroiu, P., 2016 – Near surface thermal characteristics of alpine steep rockwalls in the Retezat Mountains, Forum geografic. Studii și cercetări de geografie și protecția mediului, Vol.XIV (2),:124-133.
Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2016 – Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past snow avalanche events in Bâlea glacial valley–Făgăraş massif (Southern Carpathians), Romanian Carpathians, Quaternary International, in press.
Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, C., Onaca, A., Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, F., 2016 – Assessing the anthropogenic impact on geomorphic processes using tree-rings: a case study in the Făgăraș Mountains (Romanian Carpathians), Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 11(1):27-36.
Chiroiu, P., Stoffel, M., Onaca, A., Urdea, P., 2015 – Testing dendrogeomorphic approaches and thresholds to reconstruct snow avalanche activity in the Făgăraș Mountains (Romanian Carpathians), Quaternary Geochronology, 27(2015), 1-10.
Voiculescu M., Onaca A., Chiroiu P., 2013 – L’analyse de la dynamique forestiere et de l’impact mecanique des avalanches de neige sur les arbres en utilisant la methode dendrochronologique. In Decaulne, A. (ed.), Arbres & Dynamiques, 91-102.
Chiroiu, P., 2013 – Geomorphological studies of slope processes by the analysis of tree-rings, Central European Regional Policy and Human Geography, 93-105.
Chiroiu, P., 2012 – A review of romanian dendrochronological approaches and future research perspective for dendrochronology in Romania, Review of Historical Geography and Toponomastics, vol.VII, no.13-14., 187-198.
Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, C. 2012 – Using dendrochronology to reconstruct the precipitation trend in the Mehedinţi Mountains/Cerna Valley for the last 150 years, Analele Universității de Vest, Secțiunea Geografie, pp.55-62.
- Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, A.C., Lupșan, M., Onaca, A., Urdea, P., Voiculescu, M., 2015 – Tree-ring based reconstruction of major snow avalanches in the central-northern part of the Făgăraș Mountains, Southern Carpathians, EUGEO 2015, 30 August – 2 Septembrie 2015, Budapesta, Ungaria.
- Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, F., Chiroiu, P., Onaca, A., 2015 – Spatio-temporal reconstruction of snow avalanche activity using dendrogeomorphic approach in Capra Glacial Valley – Făgăraș Mountains (Southern Carpathians), Romanian Carpathians, EUGEO 2015, 30 August – 2 Septembrie 2015, Budapesta, Ungaria.
- Chiroiu, P., Urdea, P., Ardelean, A.C., Onaca, A., 2014 – Dendrocronologia – o posibilă metodă de detectare a permafrostului? Studiu de caz: Detunata Goală, Munții Apuseni, Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXX), 29-31 Mai, 2014, Orșova, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., Văduva, A., 2014 – Utilizarea metodei dendrogeomorfologice în analiza creep-ului. Studiu de caz: Valea Glaciară Bâlea, Munții Făgăraș – Sesiunea de Postere, Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXX), 29-31 Mai, 2014, Orșova, România.
- Chiroiu, P., Lupșan, M., Văduva, A., Ardelean, A.C., 2014 – Active slope processes on six avalanche paths located in Arpaș Valley, Făgăraș Mountains. Dendrogeomorphic study, Academic Geography of Timișoara at the 55th Anniversary, Mai 16-17, 2014, Timișoara, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2013 – Recent dendrogeomorphic approaches in Romanian Carpathians. Spatio-temporal reconstruction and patterns of snow avalanche activity in the Făgăraș massif and Bucegi Mountains (Southern Carpathians) – Romanian Carpathians, Sesiunea de Postere, 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, 27-31 august 2013, Paris, Franța.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2013 – Reconstrucția dendrogeomorfologică și caracteristicile spațio-temporale ale avalanșelor de zăpadă. Studiu de caz: domeniul schiabil Sinaia (Munții Bucegi)., Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXIX), 31 Mai – 1 Iunie 2013, Suceava, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Micu, D., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., Milian, N., 2013 – Winter types and snow avalanche activity along the Bâlea glacial valley – Făgăraș Massif (Southern Carpathians), International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble Chamonix Mont-Blanc, Octombrie 7-11, 2013.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca., A., Chiroiu, P., 2012 – Spatio-temporal reconstruction of snow avalanche activity using dendrogeomorphological method in Bucegi Mountains – Romanian Carpathians, Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop, Anchorage, Alaska, 729-735.
- Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, A.C., 2012 – O abordare dendrogeomorfologică a proceselor de versant active în utlimele decenii pe un con de grohotiș din Valea Bâlea – Munții Făgăraș, National Symposium for Geomorphology (XXVII), 14-17 Iunie, Baru Mare, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2012 – Analiza avalanșelor din Masivul Făgăraș utilizând metoda dendrogeomorfologică. Studiu de caz: valea glaciară Bâlea, Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXVII), 14-17 Iunie, Baru Mare, România.
PhD candidate Patrick CHIROIU
West University of Timișoara (Department of Geography)
Phone: +40762690960
Department of Geography, West University of Timișoara, Vasile Pârvan, No. 4, 300223, Timișoara
- Slope processes
- Periglacial processes
- Permafrost
Methods and technics in geomorphology
- Dendrogeomorphology
- Geomorphic mapping
- Onaca, A., Magori, B., Urdea, P., Chiroiu, P., 2016 – Near surface thermal characteristics of alpine steep rockwalls in the Retezat Mountains, Forum geografic. Studii și cercetări de geografie și protecția mediului, Vol.XIV (2),:124-133.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2016 – Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past snow avalanche events in Bâlea glacial valley–Făgăraş massif (Southern Carpathians), Romanian Carpathians, Quaternary International, in press.
- Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, C., Onaca, A., Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, F., 2016 – Assessing the anthropogenic impact on geomorphic processes using tree-rings: a case study in the Făgăraș Mountains (Romanian Carpathians), Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 11(1):27-36.
- Chiroiu, P., Stoffel, M., Onaca, A., Urdea, P., 2015 – Testing dendrogeomorphic approaches and thresholds to reconstruct snow avalanche activity in the Făgăraș Mountains (Romanian Carpathians), Quaternary Geochronology, 27(2015), 1-10.
- Voiculescu M., Onaca A., Chiroiu P., 2013 – L’analyse de la dynamique forestiere et de l’impact mecanique des avalanches de neige sur les arbres en utilisant la methode dendrochronologique. In Decaulne, A. (ed.), Arbres & Dynamiques, 91-102.
- Chiroiu, P., 2013 – Geomorphological studies of slope processes by the analysis of tree-rings, Central European Regional Policy and Human Geography, 93-105.
- Chiroiu, P., 2012 – A review of romanian dendrochronological approaches and future research perspective for dendrochronology in Romania, Review of Historical Geography and Toponomastics, vol.VII, no.13-14., 187-198.
- Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, C. 2012 – Using dendrochronology to reconstruct the precipitation trend in the Mehedinţi Mountains/Cerna Valley for the last 150 years, Analele Universității de Vest, Secțiunea Geografie, pp.55-62.
- Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, A.C., Lupșan, M., Onaca, A., Urdea, P., Voiculescu, M., 2015 – Tree-ring based reconstruction of major snow avalanches in the central-northern part of the Făgăraș Mountains, Southern Carpathians, EUGEO 2015, 30 August – 2 Septembrie 2015, Budapesta, Ungaria.
- Voiculescu, M., Ardelean, F., Chiroiu, P., Onaca, A., 2015 – Spatio-temporal reconstruction of snow avalanche activity using dendrogeomorphic approach in Capra Glacial Valley – Făgăraș Mountains (Southern Carpathians), Romanian Carpathians, EUGEO 2015, 30 August – 2 Septembrie 2015, Budapesta, Ungaria.
- Chiroiu, P., Urdea, P., Ardelean, A.C., Onaca, A., 2014 – Dendrocronologia – o posibilă metodă de detectare a permafrostului? Studiu de caz: Detunata Goală, Munții Apuseni, Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXX), 29-31 Mai, 2014, Orșova, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., Văduva, A., 2014 – Utilizarea metodei dendrogeomorfologice în analiza creep-ului. Studiu de caz: Valea Glaciară Bâlea, Munții Făgăraș – Sesiunea de Postere, Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXX), 29-31 Mai, 2014, Orșova, România.
- Chiroiu, P., Lupșan, M., Văduva, A., Ardelean, A.C., 2014 – Active slope processes on six avalanche paths located in Arpaș Valley, Făgăraș Mountains. Dendrogeomorphic study, Academic Geography of Timișoara at the 55th Anniversary, Mai 16-17, 2014, Timișoara, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2013 – Recent dendrogeomorphic approaches in Romanian Carpathians. Spatio-temporal reconstruction and patterns of snow avalanche activity in the Făgăraș massif and Bucegi Mountains (Southern Carpathians) – Romanian Carpathians, Sesiunea de Postere, 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, 27-31 august 2013, Paris, Franța.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2013 – Reconstrucția dendrogeomorfologică și caracteristicile spațio-temporale ale avalanșelor de zăpadă. Studiu de caz: domeniul schiabil Sinaia (Munții Bucegi)., Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXIX), 31 Mai – 1 Iunie 2013, Suceava, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Micu, D., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., Milian, N., 2013 – Winter types and snow avalanche activity along the Bâlea glacial valley – Făgăraș Massif (Southern Carpathians), International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble Chamonix Mont-Blanc, Octombrie 7-11, 2013.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca., A., Chiroiu, P., 2012 – Spatio-temporal reconstruction of snow avalanche activity using dendrogeomorphological method in Bucegi Mountains – Romanian Carpathians, Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop, Anchorage, Alaska, 729-735.
- Chiroiu, P., Ardelean, A.C., 2012 – O abordare dendrogeomorfologică a proceselor de versant active în utlimele decenii pe un con de grohotiș din Valea Bâlea – Munții Făgăraș, National Symposium for Geomorphology (XXVII), 14-17 Iunie, Baru Mare, România.
- Voiculescu, M., Onaca, A., Chiroiu, P., 2012 – Analiza avalanșelor din Masivul Făgăraș utilizând metoda dendrogeomorfologică. Studiu de caz: valea glaciară Bâlea, Simpozionul Național de Geomorfologie (XXVII), 14-17 Iunie, Baru Mare, România.
CV (EN) Adrian-Cristian ARDELEAN
PhD candidate Adrian-Cristian ARDELEAN
West University of Timișoara (Department of Geography)
Phone: +40752783478
Department of Geography, West University of Timișoara, Vasile Pirvan, No. 4, 300223, Timișoara
Mountain geomorphology, Applied geomorphology
- Alpine permafrost;
- Periglacial processes;
- Applied geophysics;
Methods and technics in geomorphology
- Geophysical methods: DC resistivity, GPR;
- Dendrogeomorphology;
- Geomorphological mapping;
GIS modelling;
- EnviArch: Development of complex Geocronological and Geophysical laboratories for saving Archeological heritage and solving envoronmental problems,, proiect de cooperare transfrontalieră HURO/1101/126/2.2.1 (2012 – 2014) – membru
- Onaca, Alexandru, Urdea, P., Ardelean C., 2012, Internal structure and permafrost characteristics of the rock glaciers of Făgăraş Mountains (Romania) assessed by geoelectrical soundings and thermal monitoring, Geografiska Annaler, Series A, Physical Geography, (review finished, major revisions).
- Cristian Ardelean, Adriana Sărășan, Raul Șerban, 2010, Assessing changes between DEM-s, generated with different interpolation methods, by visual and statistical analysis, Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara, Seria GEOGRAFIE, 22 – 32;
- Patrick Chiroiu, Cristian Ardelean, 2010, Using dendrochronology to reconstruct the precipitation trend in the Mehedinţi Mountains/Cerna Valley for the last 150 years, Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara, Seria GEOGRAFIE, 33 – 41;
- Patrick Chiroiu, Cristian Ardelean, 2012, A dendrogeomorphic approach of recent rockfall and snow-avalanche activity assessment on a debris cone located in the Făgăraș Mountains (Southern Carpathians – Romania), Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balkanica, (under review).
- Cristian Ardelean, Alexandru Onaca, Flavius Sârbu, Brigitte Magori, Raul Serban, Modelul de distribuție al permafrostului pe baza datelor BTS utilizând analiza statistică: sectorul central al Munților Retezat și Parâng, Al XXVIII-lea Simpozion Naţional de Geomorfologie, Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Baru 14-17 Iunie 2012;
- Alexandru Onaca, Petru Urdea, Cristian Ardelean, Investigații geofizice ale ghețarilor de pietre din Munții Făgăraș, Al XXVIII-lea Simpozion Naţional de Geomorfologie, Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Baru 14-17 Iunie 2012;
- Patrick Chiroiu, Cristian Ardelean, O abordare dendrogeomorfologică a proceselor de versant active în ultimele decenii pe un con de grohotiș din Valea Bâlea – Munții Făgăraș, Al XXVIII-lea Simpozion Naţional de Geomorfologie, Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Baru 14-17 Iunie 2012.
- Bursă de specializare în Sisteme Informaţionale Geografice (programul CEEPUS): University of Salzburg, Centre for Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), Salzburg (Austria), 1.05.2011- 30.06.2011.