Adress: Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, 1st N. Balcescu blv., Sector 4, Bucharest
Coastal Geomorphology
Coastal storms – typology and morphological impact
Barrier morphodynamics
Shoreline evolution and large scale coastal behaviour
The influence of climate change over the intensity of erosional processes on the coasts of Danube Delta and Rhone Delta, PN-II-CT-RO-FR-2014-2-0062 project (2015 – 2016)
Coastal storms impact on the Romanian Black Sea coast, project PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0293 (2012 -2014)
Zainescu F., Vespremeanu-Stroe A. Tatui F., Valchev N. (submitted). Storm climate on the Danube delta coast. Natural Hazards
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Tătui F., Zăinescu F., Timar-Gabor A., Cârdan I. (2015). The evolution of the Sf. Gheorghe (Danube) asymmetric deltaic lobe in association with the cyclic development of a river – mouth bar and present adaptations to human-induced sediment depletion. Geomorphology.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Zăinescu, F., Preoteasa, L., Tătui, F., (submitted). The genesis and evolution of the Danube Delta: a synthesis. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Zăinescu, F. (submitted). Coastal storms. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. , Constantinescu, Ş., Tătui, F., Zăinescu, F. (submitted). Danube Delta coast morphodynamics. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Adresa: Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bld. N. Balcescu, nr. 1, Sector 4, Bucuresti
Geomorfologie Costieră
Furtuni costiere – climatul furtunilor si impactul morfologic
Dinamica barierelor litorale
Evoluţia liniei tărmului
The influence of climate change over the intensity of erosional processes on the coasts of Danube Delta and Rhone Delta, PN-II-CT-RO-FR-2014-2-0062 project (2015 – 2016)
Impactul furtunilor pe coasta romaneasca a Marii Negre, proiect PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0293 (2012 -2014)
Zăinescu F., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Tătui F., Valchev N. (submitted). Storm climate on the Danube delta coast. Natural Hazards.
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Tătui F., Zăinescu F., Timar-Gabor A., Cârdan I. (2015). The evolution of the Sf. Gheorghe (Danube) asymmetric deltaic lobe in association with the cyclic development of a river – mouth bar and present adaptations to human-induced sediment depletion. Geomorphology.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Zăinescu, F., Preoteasa, L., Tătui, F., (submitted). The genesis and evolution of the Danube Delta: a synthesis. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Zăinescu, F. (submitted). Coastal storms. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. , Constantinescu, Ş., Tătui, F., Zăinescu, F. (submitted). Danube Delta coast morphodynamics. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Dinamica barelor submerse pe tarmurile micromareice
Interactiuni morfologice plaja – dune
Analiza proceselor hidrodinamice din zona de mica adancime
Impactul variabilitatii climatice asupra regimului eolian si dinamicii litorale
Furtuni costiere – climatul furtunilor si impactul morfologic
Interactiuni fluvio – marine: Dinamica reliefului si transportul sedimentelor in zona gurilor de varsare
Protectie Costiera
Hidrodinamica zonei marine costiere
Gestiunea sedimentelor la nivel regional/local
Managementul plajei/ICZM
Modelarea, proiectarea si mentenanta constructiilor costiere de protectie
Modelarea valurilor si transportului de sedimente
Program Orizont/“Interaciunea dintre fenomenele hidrodinamice si componentele abiotice ale ecosistemelor costiere (Deltã – Tãrm – Mare), monitorizarea si metode de management ale proceselor geomorfologice costiere” (perioada: 1998,1999, 2000).
Programul integrat de monitoring fizic, chimic si biologic al apelor marine si al eroziunii costiere” – MMGA
Studiu “Baseline Survey for Improvement of the Marine Ecosystem and Coastal Erosion for Protection/Rehabilitation of the Romanian Black Sea Shore” – JICA (perioada: 05-12.2005).
Proiect BENA “Aplicarea tehnicilor de teledetectie in sprijinul procesului de management integrat al zonei costiere romanesti” – BENA participant la Proiectul TASAUL “Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on Tasaul Lake, România, and ecosystem rehabilitation”, finanţat de Swiss National Foundation, prin program ESTROM. Responsabil cu operarea retelei hidrometrice afluenti, calcul debite, calcul incarcatura nutrienti, bilant hidric (perioada: 03-11.2006; 06.2005-09.2007).
Proiect CEEX – SOCOP, PlanCoast, MarCoast (ESA/GMES), SeaDataNet, Black Sea Scene, Ascabos si ECOOP, pentru dezvoltarea unui sistem de oceanografie operationala in Marea Neagra (perioada: 02.2006 – 12.2010).
Contributii la studiul: “Realizarea evaluării strategice de mediu pentru planul « Studiu privind protecţia şi reabilitarea părţii sudice a ţărmului românesc al Mării Negre »” (perioada: 07.2006-01.2007).
Contributii la “Master-planul pentru zona costiera de protecţie cu regim sever de pe litoralul romanesc al Marii Negre” (perioada: 07.2007-01.2008).
STUDIULUI PRIVIND ELABORAREA PLANULUI National pentru gospodarirea integrata a zonei costiere si delimitarea domeniului public al statului din zona costiera” (perioada: 08-12.2009).
„Contributii la Studiu privind analiza consecinţelor asupra mediului în RBDD, determinate de construcţia fazei a II-a a proiectului ucrainean “Calea navigabila de mare adâncime Dunarea-Marea Neagra” (perioada: 08-12.2009).
„Sistem complex de aplicare a tehnicilor de GIS si teledetectie in sprijinul activitatilor de gestiune integrata a zonei costiere romanesti” – Acronim: IMAGIS, perioada de desfasurare 2008-2011, Consortiu: INCDM, ROSA, CRUTA, ICAS, INCDDD, Tradsym si FIFIM/USAMVB (perioada: 10.2008 – 12.2011).
Expert in domeniul hidromorfologie, in cadrul proiectului ISPA: “Monitorizarea impactului asupra mediului a lucrărilor de îmbunătăţire a condiţiilor de navigaţie pe Dunăre între Călăraşi şi Brăila, km 375 şi km 175” (perioada: 06-12.2011).
Participant coordinator al consortiului national in echipa de modelare, hidrografie si GIS a proiectului FP7, Coconet “Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential” (perioada: 2012-2016).
Participant la proiectul PN2, ECOMAGIS “Implementation of a complex geographic information system for ecosystem-based management, through integrated monitoring and assessment of the biocoenosis status and its evolution trends in a fast changing environment at the Romanian coastal zone of the black sea”. Responsabil modelare hidraulica (perioada: 2012-2015).
Lucrari stiintifice publicate in tara: 13 (6 prim autor, 7 – co-autor)
Mateescu R., “Soft engineerical protection solutions implemented to Mamaia Beach”, Ovidius University of Constanta, Annals of Constructions 3, 75-80 (2002), Constanţa, România;
C. Coman, M. Golumbeanu, R. Mateescu, “Beach User Perception Study of Environmental Quality at Romanian Beaches: A Contribution to Beach Management”, Procedings of ECOIND Seminar, Romanian Academy, 2003, Bucharest, România;
Mateescu R. ”Experimental research regarding sediment transport – Southern area of Mamaia Beach”, Procedings of ECOIND Seminar, Romanian Academy, 2003, Bucharest, România;
Mateescu R., Costencu V., “The effectiveness of Hard and Soft Coastal Protection Solutions Implemented on The Southern Romanian Shore” Ovidius University of Constanţa, Annals of Constructions 3, 175-180 (2004), Constanţa, România;
Mihailov E., Mateescu R., Burca M. “Numerical simulation of the Western Black Sea Basin hydrological variability“, Proceedings of ANM, 2004, Bucuresti, România;
Mateescu R., Coman C. “Aspects of the Romanian Black Sea Shore – Necessary Actions towards an Integrate Coastal Zone Management for the Erosion Control”, AvH International Symposium, 2005, Timisoara, România;
Mateescu R., Popescu M., Arsenie I. “Analiza campului de valuri si a transportului de sedimente aferente plajelor marine. Studiu de caz sector Mamaia”, Hidrotehnica, nr.3-4, 2008, Bucuresti, Romania;
Alexandrov L., Nicolaev S., Dumitru V., Coman C., Golumbeanu M., Popescu O., Spinu A., Mateescu R.: “Definirea Planificarii Spatiale Maritime suport pentru elaborarea Politicii Maritime Integrate”, Mediul Inconjurator, nr1/2009, pag.34-38, ICIM, Bucuresti, Romania;
Nicolaev S., Bologa A.S., L.Lazar, D.Vasiliu, A.Oros, D.Tiganus, V.Coatu, E.Stoica, D.Micu, V.Nita, T. Zaharia, D.Diaconeasa, V.Malciu, L.Boicenco, F.Timofte, O.Dumitrescu, C.Dumitrache, V.Abaza, V.Maximov, C.Ispas, L.Alexandrov, R. Mateescu, 2010 – Report on the state of marine and coastal environment in 2009, Cercetari Marine / Recherches Marines, nr. 39: 7-72;
Mateescu R., Omer I., Matei S. Wave conditions in the transitional zone of the Romanian coast – Mamaia Bay, Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, an XII/2010, Seria Civil Engineering, Ovidius University Press, Constanta, pag.39-46.
Raykov V., M.Yankova, M.Panayotova, G.Radu, V.Maximov, S.Nicolaev, Tania Zaharia, 2010 – Prediction modeling and reference conditions for sprat and turbot exploitation in EU waters of the Black Sea, Cercetari Marine / Recherches Marines, nr. 39: 259-280
Nicolaev S.,A.S.Bologa, L.Lazar, D.Vasiliu, A.Oros, D.Tiganus, V.Coatu, E.Stoica, D.Micu, V.Nita, Tania Zaharia, D.Diaconeasa, V.Malciu, L.Boicenco, F.Timofte, O.Dumitrescu, C.Dumitrache, V.Abaza, V.Maximov, C.Ispas, L.Alexandrov, R.Mateescu, 2011 – Report on the state of marine and coastal environment in 2010, Cercetari Marine / Recherches Marines, nr. 41: 5-99.
M. MIHAILOV, L. BUGA, V. MALCIU, R. MATEESCU, M. TOMESCU – CHIVU, ”Extreme event analysis based coastal water masses dynamics of Romanian Black Sea Area”, Proceedings of NIHWN’s Annual scientific symposium, 2011;
Mateescu R., Malciu V. “Long-term sea level and shoreline variability along the Romanian Black Sea Coast”, Proceedings of the workshop on Understanding and Modeling the Black Sea Ecosystem in support of Marine Conventions and Environmental Policies – 2006, JRC, Ispra, Italy (EUR 22176 EN).
Alexandrov L., C.Coman, I.Cernisencu, L.Tofan, R.Mateescu, T.Zaharia, 2008 – Specificity of Romanian Black sea changes under climate and human impact – 4th IGBP Congress, Sustainable Livelihoods in a Changing Earth System, 5-9 May 2008, Capetown, South Africa, Book of abstracts, p.56.
Mateescu R., Coman C., ”Evolution of the Black Sea Romanian Shore under the Actual Anthropogenic Impact” – Jurnal of Enviromnetal Protection and Ecology 9, 357-364 (2008), BENA, (JEPE) – – ISI.
L Alexandrov, C. Coman, M. Golumbeanu, R. Mateescu, D. Valisiu, D. Rosioru. “Specificity of the Romanian Black Sea Coastal Changes under Climate and Human Impact”, NATO SfP&S Programme, 263-269, Springer Science 2009.
Spinu Alina, Alexandrov Laura, Mateescu Razvan, “GIS for coastal and marine environment – an integrated tool for Coastal Zone Management. Study case – Razim Sinoe Lagoon”, Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, 2011, ISBN 978-605-88990-6-3, vol II ISBN 978-605-88990-8-7, pag. 901-913.
A.I. Kubryakov, G. K. Korotaev, V. L. Dorofeev, Y. B. Ratner, A. Palazov, N. Valchev, V. Malciu, R. Mateescu and T. Oguz “Black Sea coastal forecasting system” MS No.: os-2011-22, Ocean Science/EGU, available to download at address:– ISI
T. Zaharia, D. Micu, V. Nita., V. Maximov, R. Mateescu, A. Spinu, M. Nedelcu , G. Ganea, C.Ursache, 2011 – Preliminary data on habitat mapping in the Romanian Natura 2000 marine sites – Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE) vol.13. 2012, nr.3B – – ISI
R.Mateescu, D.Diaconeasa, S.Alina, V.Malciu, ”Hydro-Geomorphological Processes in the Transitional Romanian Black Sea Coast, its Conceconces on the Masterplan for Coastal Protection Implementation”, (JEPE) vol.13. 2012, nr.3A – – ISI
Carti, monografii publicate: 1 carte
Mateescu R. “Hidrodinamica zonei marine costiere romanesti” Editura Universitara, Bucuresti, Romania (2009).
Nearshore sandbars morphodynamics on microtidal coasts
Beach – dune interactions
Nearshore zone hidrodynamics
Impact of climate variability on coastal wind regime and coastline dynamics
Coastal storms sourge impacts
Fluvial – Marine Interactions: Morphodynamics and sediment transport at river mouths
Coastal Protection
Coastal hydrodynamics
Regional/Local sediment budget and management / wave and sediment transport modeling
Beach management & ICZM
Coastal constructions/facilities modeling, design and mentainance
Participant to Orizont 2000 project: “Interaction between the hydrodynamic phenomena and abiotic component of the coastal ecosystem (Delta – shoreline- sea), monitoring and management methods of the geomorphologic coastal processes – annual national studies” (1998-2000) – member
Participant to the „Study on morphological changes of the Romanian Black Sea Coast between Midia – Vama Veche – Monitoring program for Coastal Erosion-National Programme (2000-2005) – member
BENA project: “Experimental research regarding sediment transport; method and technologies for protection and rehabilitation of eroded beach of Mamaia Bay”) (2001) – project director
BENA-DELTA project “Researches regarding biogeomorphological impact of hydrotechnical constructions for coastal protection implemented to Nãvodari – North Constanta area” (2003) – project director
Participant to JICA project: “Baseline Survey for Improvement of the Marine Ecosystem and Coastal Erosion for Protection/Rehabilitation of the Romanian Black Sea Shore” (2005) – member
Participant to TASAUL Project “Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on Tasaul Lake, Romania, and ecosystem rehabilitation” financed by Swiss National Foundation (2005-2007) – member
Consultant to the Masterplan/work “Study on protection and rehabilitation of the Southern Romanian Shore of the Black Sea “ – financed by J.I.C.A. (2006-2007) – member
Partnership for PNII 32164/2008, “Complex system for the application of the remote sensing techniques for environmental quality monitoring and Romanian ICZM implementation support”, Acronym IMAGIS (2008-2011) – Project Director
participant to European Projects: SeaSearch (for Marine Data Management) and, since 2007, national coordinator in SeaDataNet (PanEuropean Infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data) for (2009-2011) and Black Sea Scene (regarding to Black Sea Network) Projects – member
Participant to the contributions study regarding „Enviromnetal Assessment of concequences induces in DDBR by the secund phase extension of Ukrainean project <<Danube-Black Sea High Depth Waterway>>”(2009 and 2013) – member
Participant to the national study regarding „Development of the National for ICZM and state property domain delineation within coastal zone (2009, 2011) – coordinator
Participant to national project, PN „Study of the geomorphological processes mechanisms on short and medium term, under the influence of the coastal zone natural and anthropogenic phenomena” – CEMAR (2005 – 2007 and 2008 – present) – member
Mateescu R., Malciu V. “Long-term sea level and shoreline variability along the Romanian Black Sea Coast”, Proceedings of the workshop on Understanding and Modeling the Black Sea Ecosystem in support of Marine Conventions and Environmental Policies – 2006, JRC, Ispra, Italy (EUR 22176 EN).
Alexandrov L., C.Coman, I.Cernisencu, L.Tofan, R.Mateescu, T.Zaharia, 2008 – Specificity of Romanian Black sea changes under climate and human impact – 4th IGBP Congress, Sustainable Livelihoods in a Changing Earth System, 5-9 May 2008, Capetown, South Africa, Book of abstracts, p.56.
Mateescu R., Coman C., ”Evolution of the Black Sea Romanian Shore under the Actual Anthropogenic Impact” – Jurnal of Enviromnetal Protection and Ecology 9, 357-364 (2008), BENA, (JEPE) (in print) – – ISI.
L Alexandrov, C. Coman, M. Golumbeanu, R. Mateescu, D. Valisiu, D. Rosioru. “Specificity of the Romanian Black Sea Coastal Changes under Climate and Human Impact”, NATO SfP&SProgramme, 263-269, Springer Science 2009.
Spinu Alina, Alexandrov Laura, Mateescu Razvan, “GIS for coastal and marine environment – an integrated tool for Coastal Zone Management. Study case – RazimSinoe Lagoon”, Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, 2011, ISBN 978-605-88990-6-3, vol II ISBN 978-605-88990-8-7, pag. 901-913.
A.I. Kubryakov, G. K. Korotaev, V. L. Dorofeev, Y. B. Ratner, A. Palazov, N. Valchev, V. Malciu, R. Mateescu and T. Oguz “Black Sea coastal forecasting system” MS No.: os-2011-22, Ocean Science/EGU, available to download at address:– ISI
T. Zaharia, D. Micu, V. Nita., V. Maximov, R. Mateescu, A. Spinu, M. Nedelcu , G. Ganea, C.Ursache, 2011 – Preliminary data on habitat mapping in the Romanian Natura 2000 marine sites – Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), vol.13. 2012, nr.3B , – ISI
R.Mateescu, D.Diaconeasa, S.Alina, V.Malciu, ”Hydro-Geomorphological Processes in the Transitional Romanian Black Sea Coast, its Conceconces on the Masterplan for Coastal Protection Implementation”, (JEPE) vol.13. 2012, nr. 3A – – ISI
Adress: Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, 1st N. Balcescu blv., Sector 1, Bucharest
Coastal Geomorphology
Nearshore sandbars morphodynamics on microtidal coasts
Beach – dune interactions
Nearshore zone hidrodynamics
Impact of climate variability on coastal wind regime and coastline dynamics
Coastal storms – typology and morphologial impact
Fluvial – Marine Interactions: Morphodynamics and sediment transport at river mouths
Wind regime and wind energy potential
Climate changes influence on the erosion intensities along the critical sectors of the Danube and Rhone deltas coastlines, project PN-II-CT-RO-FR-2014-2-0062 (2015 – 2016) – member
Coastal storms impact on the Romanian Black Sea coast, project PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0293 (2012 -2014) – member
Masterplan for the protection against erosion of the Romanian Black Sea coast, project HRO/2/1156C (2011 – 2012) – member
Southern Romanian littoral of the Black Sea – The analysis of the morphodynamic, hidrodynamic and sedimentary processes on the submerged area and related landforms, grant PN2 PCE 1038/2008 (2009 – 2011) – member
New remote sensing products for coastal risk assesment, grant PN II – PARTENERIATE nr. 81-037 (2007 – 2010) – member
The submerse morphology of Danube delta coast – morphodynamics and sediment transport analysis, grant CNCSIS AT 13 GR (2007-2008) – member
The impact of climate variability and human pressure upon the hydrologic regime of Danube river and consequences for coastal dynamics, grant CEEX nr. X2C20 (2006-2008) – member
The impact of climate changes upon the Holocene and present dynamics of alpine zone (Romanian Carpathians), grant CEEX nr. 738 (2006-2008) – member
Sfantu Gheorghe (Danube) arm mouth – the modelling of morphodynamics, sediment transport and water masses dispersal, grant CNCSIS (2005 – 2006) – member
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Ruessink, B.G. (under review). Alongshore variability of cross-shore bar behavior on a nontidal beach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Zăinescu, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F., Valchev, N., (submitted). Storm climate on the Danube Delta coast: evidences of recent storminess change and links with large-scale teleconnection patterns. Natural Hazards.
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F., Zăinescu, F., Timar-Gabor, A., Cârdan, I. (accepted). The evolution of the Sf. Gheorghe (Danube) assymetric deltaic lobe in association with the cyclic development of a river-mouth bar and present adaptations to human-induced sediment depletion. Geomorphology.
Tatui, F. (2015). Potential usage of met mast datasets for climatic parameters monitoring in Tulcea County, Romania. Forum Geografic, XIV(1), 2067- 4635.2015.091.i
Tatui, F. (2014). Assessment of the long-term wind energy resources in the Southern Bârlad Plateau. An applied climatology study. Forum Geografic, XIII(2), 153-163.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa,L. (2014). Alongshore variations in beach-dune system response to major storm events on the Danube Delta coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 70, 693-699.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa,L. (2013). The correlated behavior of sandbars and foredunes on a nontidal coast (Danube Delta, Romania). Journal of Coastal Research, 65, 1874-1879.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Cheval, S., Tatui, F. (2012). The wind regime of Romania – characteristics, trends and North Atlantic Oscillation influences, Forum Geografic, XI (2), 118-126.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Ruessink, B.G.(2011). Intra-site differences in nearshore bar behavior on a nontidal beach (Sulina-Sf. Gheorghe, Danube Delta coast). Journal of Coastal Research, 64, 840-844.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F. (2011). North-Atlantic Oscillation signature on coastal dynamics and climate variability of the Romanian Black Sea Coast. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 6(1), 308-316.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Urdea, P., Tatui, F., Constantinescu, Ş., Vasile, M., Popescu, R. (2008). New data regarding the glacial lakes morphology from Southern Carpathians, Revista de Geomorfologie, 10, 73-87.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Constantinescu, Ş., Tatui, F., Giosan, L. 2007. Multi-decadal evolution and North Atlantic Oscillation influences on the dynamics of the Danube delta shoreline. Journal of Coastal Research, 50, 157-162.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Constantinescu, Ş., Tatui, F. 2007. The multianual behavior of nearshore bars on a microtidal coast. Revista de Geomorfologie, 9, 107-123 (in Romanian).
Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Tatui F., 2005. The influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on Romanian Black Sea coast wind regime. Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti- seria Geografie, LIV, 17-26.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (submitted). Shoreface morphodynamics on Danube Delta coast. In: Radoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F., Preoteasa, L., Zăinescu, F., Rotaru, S., Stoica, M. (submitted). The genesis and evolution of the Danube Delta: a synthesis. In: Radoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Tatui, F. (2015). Nearshore sandbars behaviour on Danube Delta Coast (PhD thesis – in Romanian). Ed. Ars Docendi, Bucharest, 156 p., ISBN 978-973-558-852-6.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L., Tatui, F. (2014). Physical Oceanography (in Romanian). Ed. Ars Docendi, Bucharest, 179 p., ISBN 978-973-558-750-5.
Adresa: Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bld. N. Balcescu, nr. 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Geomorfologie Costieră
Dinamica barelor submerse pe tarmurile micromareice
Interactiuni morfologice plaja – dune
Analiza proceselor hidrodinamice din zona nearshore
Impactul variabilitatii climatice asupra regimului eolian si dinamicii litorale
Furtuni costiere – climatul furtunilor si impactul morfologic
Interactiuni fluvio – marine: Dinamica reliefului si transportul sedimentelor in zona gurilor de varsare
Alte Domenii
Regimul eolian si valorificarea potentialului energetic eolian
Influența schimbărilor climatice asupra intensității proceselor de eroziune din cadrul coastelor Deltei Dunării și Deltei Rhonului, proiect PN-II-CT-RO-FR-2014-2-0062 (2015 – 2016) – membru
Impactul furtunilor pe coasta romaneasca a Marii Negre, proiect PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0293 (2012 -2014) – membru
Masterplan pentru protectia impotriva eroziunii pe coasta romaneasca a Marii Negre, proiect HRO/2/1156C (2011 – 2012) – membru
Litoralul sudic romanesc al Marii Negre – Analiza proceselor morfodinamice, hidrodinamice si sedimentologice din domeniul submers si a formelor de relief asociate, grant PN2 PCE 1038/2008 (2009 – 2011) – membru
Dezvoltarea de noi produse derivate din date satelitare adaptate cerintelor utilizatorilor din domeniul gestionarii situatiilor de risc hidro-meteorologic (RISCASAT), grant PN II – PARTENERIATE nr. 81-037 (2007 – 2010)–membru
Relieful submers al litoralului Deltei Dunarii – Investigarea dinamicii reliefului si a circulatiei sedimentelor, grant CNCSIS AT 13 GR (2007-2008) – membru
Impactul variabilitatii climatice si al interventiilor antropice aupra regimului hidrologic al Dunarii si dinamicii sedimentare costiere (DANUBERES), grant CEEX nr. X2C20 (2006-2008) –membru
ImpactulschimbarilorclimaticeasupradinamiciiHolocene si actuale a mediului alpin dinCarpatiiRomanesti. Implicatii in gestiuneariscului si amenajareapeisajului (MEDALP), grant CEEX nr. 738 (2006-2008) – membru
Gura de varsare a bratului Sfantu Gheorghe – Dinamica reliefului, distributia sedimentelor si dispersia maselor de apa, grant CNCSIS (2005 – 2006) – membru
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Ruessink, B.G. (in revizuire). Alongshore variability of cross-shore bar behavior on a nontidal beach. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Zăinescu, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F., Valchev, N., (trimis spre publicare). Storm climate on the Danube Delta coast: evidences of recent storminess change and links with large-scale teleconnection patterns. Natural Hazards.
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F., Zăinescu, F., Timar-Gabor, A., Cârdan, I. (acceptat). The evolution of the Sf. Gheorghe (Danube) assymetric deltaic lobe in association with the cyclic development of a river-mouth bar and present adaptations to human-induced sediment depletion. Geomorphology.
Tatui, F. (2015). Potential usage of met mast datasets for climatic parameters monitoring in Tulcea County, Romania. Forum Geografic, XIV(1), 2067- 4635.2015.091.i
Tatui, F. (2014). Assessment of the long-term wind energy resources in the Southern Bârlad Plateau. An applied climatology study. Forum Geografic, XIII(2), 153-163.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa,L. (2014). Alongshore variations in beach-dune system response to major storm events on the Danube Delta coast. Journal of Coastal Research, 70, 693-699.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa,L. (2013). The correlated behavior of sandbars and foredunes on a nontidal coast (Danube Delta, Romania). Journal of Coastal Research, 65, 1874-1879.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Cheval, S., Tatui, F. (2012). The wind regime of Romania – characteristics, trends and North Atlantic Oscillation influences, Forum Geografic, XI (2), 118-126.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Ruessink, B.G.(2011). Intra-site differences in nearshore bar behavior on a nontidal beach (Sulina-Sf. Gheorghe, Danube Delta coast). Journal of Coastal Research, 64, 840-844.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F. (2011). North-Atlantic Oscillation signature on coastal dynamics and climate variability of the Romanian Black Sea Coast. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 6(1), 308-316.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Urdea, P., Tatui, F., Constantinescu, Ş., Vasile, M., Popescu, R. (2008). New data regarding the glacial lakes morphology from Southern Carpathians, Revista de Geomorfologie, 10, 73-87.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Constantinescu, Ş., Tatui, F., Giosan, L. 2007. Multi-decadal evolution and North Atlantic Oscillation influences on the dynamics of the Danube delta shoreline. Journal of Coastal Research, 50, 157-162.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Constantinescu, Ş., Tatui, F. 2007. Comportamentul multianual al barelor submerse longitudinale pe un tarm micromareic. Revista de Geomorfologie, 9, 107-123.
Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Tatui F., 2005. The influence of North Atlantic Oscillation on Romanian Black Sea coast wind regime. Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti- seria Geografie,LIV, 17-26.
Tatui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (trimis spre publicare). Shoreface morphodynamics on Danube Delta coast. In: Radoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tatui, F., Preoteasa, L., Zăinescu, F., Rotaru, S., Stoica, M. (trimis spre publicare). The genesis and evolution of the Danube Delta: an in-depth study. In: Radoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Tatui, F. (2015). Comportamentul barelor submerse pe țărmul Deltei Dunării (Teza de doctorat). Ed. Ars Docendi, București, 156 p., ISBN 978-973-558-852-6.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L., Tatui, F. (2014). Oceanografie fizică. Ed. Ars Docendi, București, 179 p., ISBN 978-973-558-750-5.
Adresa: Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Bld. N. Bălcescu, nr. 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Geomorfologie costieră; Estetica peisajului
Dune costiere
Interactiuni plajă – dune
Reconstrucţie paleogeografică
Interactiuni fluvio – maritime: morfodinaica şi modelul transporului de sedimente în zona gurilor de vărsare
Influența schimbărilor climatice asupra intensității proceselor de eroziune din cadrul coastelor Deltei Dunării și Deltei Rhonului, proiect PN-II-CT-RO-FR-2014-2-0062 (2015 – 2016) – membru
Impactul furtunilor pe coasta românească a Mării Negre, proiect PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0293 (2012 -2014) – membru
Răspunsul sistemelor morfologice senzitive la variaţiile factorilor meteo – marini şi impactul acestora asupra aşezărilor umane: exemplul sistemului lagunar Razelm-Sione şi al oraşului Histria, grant PNII – RU-TE 74/2010 (2010 – 2013) – director
Masterplan pentru protecţia împotriva eroziunii pe coasta românească a Mării Negre, proiect HRO/2/1156C (2011 – 2012) – membru
Litoralul sudic românesc al Mării Negre – Analiza proceselor morfodinamice, hidrodinamice şi sedimentologice din domeniul submers şi a formelor de relief asociate, grant PN2 PCE 1038/2008 (2009 – 2011) – membru
Dezvoltarea de noi produse derivate din date satelitare adaptate cerinţelor utilizatorilor din domeniul gestionării situaţiilor de risc hidro-meteorologic (RISCASAT), grant PN II – PARTENERIATE nr. 81-037 (2007 – 2010)– membru
Relieful submers al litoralului Deltei Dunării – Investigarea dinamicii reliefului şi a circulaţiei sedimentelor, grant CNCSIS AT 13 GR (2007-2008) – membru
Impactul variabilitatii climatice şi al intervenţiilor antropice asupra regimului hidrologic al Dunării şi dinamicii sedimentare costiere (DANUBERES), grant CEEX nr. X2C20 (2006-2008) – membru
Impactul schimbărilor climatice asupra dinamicii Holocene şi actuale a mediului alpin din Carpaţii Româneşti. Implicaţii în gestiunea riscului şi amenajarea peisajului (MEDALP), grant CEEX nr. 738 (2006-2008) – membru
2006-2007: Investigaţii privind morfologie, cronologia şi statigrafia formelor de relief eolian de pe câmpurile marine Letea şi Caraorman, grant CNCSIS – Td/2006-2007 – director.
Gura de vărsare a braţului Sfântu Gheorghe – Dinamica reliefului, distribuţia sedimentelor şi dispersia maselor de apă, grant CNCSIS (2005 – 2006) – membru
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tătui, F., Zăinescu F., Timar-Gabor, A., Cîrdan, I., (2015). The evolution of the Sf. Gheorghe (Danube) asymmetric deltaic lobe in association with the cyclic development of a river-mouth bar and present adaptations to human-induced sediment depletion, Geomorphology (available online).
Tătui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Preoteasa, L., (2014). Alongshore variations in beach dune system response to major storm events on the Danube Delta coast, Journal of Coastal Research, 70, 693-699.
Tătui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L. (2013). The correlated behavior of sandbars and foredunes on a nontidal coast (Danube Delta, Romania). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65.
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Hanganu, D, Katona, O.,Timar-Gabor, A., (2013). Coastal changes from open coast to present lagoon system in Histria region (Danube delta). In: Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E. and O’Hare, T.J. (eds.). Proceedings 12th International Coastal Symposium (Plymouth, England), Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65, pp. 564-569.
Preoteasa, L., Birzescu, I., Haganu, D., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., 2012. Schimbari morfologie in regiunea Histria produse in timpul si dupa declinul cetatii. Studii si Cercetari de Istorie Veche si Antica, tomul 63, nr. 3-4, pp. 201-223.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L., Hanganu, D., Brown, T., Bîrzescu, I., Toms, P., Timar-Gabor, A., 2013. The impact of the Late Holocene coastal changes on the rise and decay of the ancient city of Histria (Southern Danube delta), Quaternary International, 293, 245-256
Preoteasa L., Roberts, H.M., Duller, G.A.T., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., 2009. Late-Holocene coastal dune system evolution in the Danube Delta, NW Black Sea Basin, Journal of Coastal Research, 56, 347-351
Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Preoteasa L., 2007, Beach-dunes interactions on a dry temperate Danube delta coast, Geomorphology, 86, 267-282
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., 2005. Marimea, sortarea si asimetria sedimentelor din sistemul plaja-dune, Studii si Cercetari de Oceanografie Costiera, 2.
Preoteasa L., 2005. Some considerations upon the morphological features of the sand dunes on Letea and Caraorman complex prograded barriers – Danube delta, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti – seria Geografie.
Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Mihai B., Cruceru N., Preoteasa L., 2007. Frecventa ciclurilor gelivale in Carpatii Romanesti, Revue Roumaine de Geographie, XXVI
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., 2004. Recent investigations regarding the beach-dune interactions on a microtidal coast in a temperate dry climate, Sfantu Gheorghe, Danube Delta Coast, Revista de Geomorfologie, 6, 5-26.
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., 2004. Experimente privind transportul eolian de nisip pe plaja Sfântu Gheorghe, Comunicari de Geografie, VIII, 51-56
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu –Stroe A., 2004. Analiza potenţialului de transport sedimentar în Delta Dunării, Studii şi Cercetări de Oceanografie Costieră, 1, 47-66
Preoteasa L., Filip F., Ovejanu I., 2004. Fenomene de îngheţ şi forme asociate pe ţărmul Deltei Dunării, Studii şi cercetări de Oceanografie Costieră, 1, 109-11
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (trimis spre publicare). Coastal Sand Dunes. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tătui, F., Preoteasa, L., Zăinescu, F., Rotaru, S., Stoica, M. (trimis spre publicare). The genesis and evolution of the Danube Delta: an in-depth study. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L. (2015). Morphology and the cyclic evolution of the Danube delta spits. In: Randazzo, G., Cooper, A., Derek, J. (Eds). Sand and gravel spits, Springer, p. 327-340.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L., Tătui, F. (2013). Oceanografie Fizică (Physical Oceanography, in Romanian), Editura Ars Docendi, Bucureşti, 172 p.
Preoteasa, L., (2008). Relieful eolian din Delta Dunării. Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 165 p.
Adress: Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, 1st N. Balcescu blv., Sector 4, Bucharest
Research Topics
Coastal Geomorphology
Coastal dunes
Beach – dune interactions
Large scale coastal evolution and paleogeographic reconstruction
Fluvial – Marine Interactions: morphodynamics and sediment transport at river mouths
Research Projects
The influence of climate change over the intensity of erosional processes on the coasts of Danube Delta and Rhone Delta, PN-II-CT-RO-FR-2014-2-0062 project (2015 – 2016) – member
Coastal storms impact on the Romanian Black Sea coast, project PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0293 (2012 -2014) – member
The response of sensitive morphological systems to meteo-marine factors variations and the impact upon human settlements: the example of Razelm-Sione lacustrine system and Histria city, grant PNII – RU-TE 74/2010 (2010 – 2013) – director
Southern Romanian littoral of the Black Sea – The analysis of the morphodynamic, hidrodynamic and sedimentary processes on the submerged area and related landforms, grant PNII PCE 1038/2008 (2009 – 2011) – member
New remote sensing products for coastal risk assesment, grant PN II – PARTENERIATE 81-037 (2007 – 2010) – member
The submerse morphology of Danube delta coast – morphodynamics and sediment transport analysis, grant CNCSIS AT 13 GR (2007-2008) – member
The impact of climate variability and human pressure upon the hydrologic regime of Danube river and consequences for coastal dynamics, grant CEEX nr. X2C20 (2006-2008) – member
The impact of climate changes upon the Holocene and present dynamics of alpine zone (Romanian Carpathians), grant CEEX nr. 738 (2006-2008) – member
Sfantu Gheorghe (Danube) arm mouth – the modelling of morphodynamics, sediment transport and water masses dispersal, grant CNCSIS (2005 – 2006) – member
2006-2007: Investigations on the morphology, chronology and stratigraphy of the aeolian landforms from Letea and Caraorman beach ridge plains , grant CNCSIS – Td/2006-2007 – director.
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tătui, F., Zăinescu F., Timar-Gabor, A., Cîrdan, I., (2015). The evolution of the Sf. Gheorghe (Danube) asymmetric deltaic lobe in association with the cyclic development of a river-mouth bar and present adaptations to human-induced sediment depletion, Geomorphology (available online).
Tătui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Preoteasa, L., (2014). Alongshore variations in beach dune system response to major storm events on the Danube Delta coast, Journal of Coastal Research, 70, 693-699.
Tătui, F., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L. (2013). The correlated behavior of sandbars and foredunes on a nontidal coast (Danube Delta, Romania). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65.
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Hanganu, D, Katona, O.,Timar-Gabor, A., (2013). Coastal changes from open coast to present lagoon system in Histria region (Danube delta). In: Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E. and O’Hare, T.J. (eds.). Proceedings 12th International Coastal Symposium (Plymouth, England), Journal of Coastal Research, SI 65, pp. 564-569.
Preoteasa, L., Birzescu, I., Haganu, D., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., 2012. Schimbari morfologie in regiunea Histria produse in timpul si dupa declinul cetatii. Studii si Cercetari de Istorie Veche si Antica, tomul 63, nr. 3-4, pp. 201-223.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L., Hanganu, D., Brown, T., Bîrzescu, I., Toms, P., Timar-Gabor, A., 2013. The impact of the Late Holocene coastal changes on the rise and decay of the ancient city of Histria (Southern Danube delta), Quaternary International, 293, 245-256
Preoteasa L., Roberts, H.M., Duller, G.A.T., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., 2009. Late-Holocene coastal dune system evolution in the Danube Delta, NW Black Sea Basin, Journal of Coastal Research, 56, 347-351
Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Preoteasa L., 2007, Beach-dunes interactions on a dry temperate Danube delta coast, Geomorphology, 86, 267-282
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., 2005. Marimea, sortarea si asimetria sedimentelor din sistemul plaja-dune, Studii si Cercetari de Oceanografie Costiera, 2.
Preoteasa L., 2005. Some considerations upon the morphological features of the sand dunes on Letea and Caraorman complex prograded barriers – Danube delta, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti – seria Geografie.
Vespremeanu-Stroe A., Mihai B., Cruceru N., Preoteasa L., 2007. Frecventa ciclurilor gelivale in Carpatii Romanesti, Revue Roumaine de Geographie, XXVI
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., 2004. Recent investigations regarding the beach-dune interactions on a microtidal coast in a temperate dry climate, Sfantu Gheorghe, Danube Delta Coast, Revista de Geomorfologie, 6, 5-26.
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu-Stroe A., 2004. Experimente privind transportul eolian de nisip pe plaja Sfântu Gheorghe, Comunicari de Geografie, VIII, 51-56
Preoteasa L., Vespremeanu –Stroe A., 2004. Analiza potenţialului de transport sedimentar în Delta Dunării, Studii şi Cercetări de Oceanografie Costieră, 1, 47-66
Preoteasa L., Filip F., Ovejanu I., 2004. Fenomene de îngheţ şi forme asociate pe ţărmul Deltei Dunării, Studii şi cercetări de Oceanografie Costieră, 1, 109-11
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (trimis spre publicare). Coastal Sand Dunes. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Tătui, F., Preoteasa, L., Zăinescu, F., Rotaru, S., Stoica, M. (trimis spre publicare). The genesis and evolution of the Danube Delta: an in-depth study. In: Rădoane, M., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (Eds.). Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L. (2015). Morphology and the cyclic evolution of the Danube delta spits. In: Randazzo, G., Cooper, A., Derek, J. (Eds). Sand and gravel spits, Springer, p. 327-340.
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Preoteasa, L., Tătui, F. (2013). Oceanografie Fizică (Physical Oceanography, in Romanian), Editura Ars Docendi, Bucureşti, 172 p.
Preoteasa, L., (2008). Relieful eolian din Delta Dunării. Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 165 p.
Adress: Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, 1st N. Balcescu blv., Sector 4, Bucharest
Research Topics
Coastal Evolution
Coastal evolution based on historical maps
Sea-cliff geomorphology
GIS & Remote Sensing in Coastal Zone
Other is a Romanian geoportal which promote the share of geoKnoledge and geoData based on the OGC standards. The site was developed by Vasile Craciunescu and Stefan Constantinescu since 2007, like a resource for geospatial data for the Romanian community.
Research Projects
ESPOSS: Earth Science Data Access and Processing Service for Black Sea, European Space Agency Romanian Industry Incentive Scheme. Beneficiar ESA (European Space Agency). Durata: 2013-2015. Director de proiect: Florin Șerban. Valoarea proiectului: 121.918 Euro. Funcția: membru
LeoWorks 4.0 Image processing/Geographic Information System (GIS) software for educational purposes, Programul ESA EDUSPACE. Beneficiar ESA (European Space Agency). Durata: 2007-prezent. Director de proiect: Florin Șerban. Valoarea proiectului: 670.000 Euro. Funcția: membru
JICA. The Study on Protection and Rehabilitation of the Southern Romanian Balck Sea Shore in Romania, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Ministry of Environment and Water Management, Romania; membru
INDUS DELTA PROJECT: Nature and timing of sediment flux rates from the Indus river to the Arabian Sea during the Holocene. a collaborative project supported by the US National Science Foundation to study the Holocene evolution of the Indus delta. 2004-2007; membru, responsabil pe partea de analiză GIS şi Teledetecţie.
Masterplan for the protection against erosion of the Romanian Black Sea coast. Beneficiar: APELE ROMÂNE, Dobrogea Litoral. Manager: Halcrow, Director UB: Viorel Ungureanu, – membru
GeoSpace: Centrul de Geomatică destinat pregătirii complementare a cadrelor didactice preuniversitare din domeniul Geografiei – POSDRU/87/1.3/S/57378 , Proiect cofinanţat prin Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 Axa prioritară 1 „Educaţia şi formarea profesională în sprijinul creşterii economice şi dezvoltării societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere” , Domeniul major de intervenţie 1.3. „Dezvolatarea resurselor umane în educaţie şi formare profesională”.(2010-2013). Funcția ocupată: expert formator.
Dezvoltarea de noi produse derivate din date satelitare adaptate cerintelor utilizatorilor din domeniul gestionarii situatiilor de risc hidro-meteorologic” (RISCASAT), Proiect Nr. 81-037, Încheiat în cadrul Programului 4 – PARTENERIATE IN DOMENIILR PRIORITARE DIRECTIA DE CERCETARE D8 – Spatiu si Securitate, Director Universitatea din Bucureşti: Ştefan Constantinescu.
Impactul schimbărilor climatice asupra dinamicii holocene şi actuale a mediilor alpine din Carpaţii României. Implicaţii în gestiunea riscului şi amenajarea peisajului. GRANT CEEX, Director: Petru Urdea. Membru
Impactul variabilitatii climatice si al interventiilor antropice asupra regimului hidrologic al Dunarii si al dinamicii sedimentare costiere, GRANT CEEX Nr. 9603/ X2C20, Director de proiect Iuliana Armas. Membru
Gura de varsare a bratului Sfantu Gheorghe – elaborarea modelelor privind dinamica reliefului, distributia sedimentelor si dispersia maselor de apa; GRANT CNCSIS 2005-2007; membru
Coordonator în cadrul Proiectului Romania Digitala 2004-prezent
Vulnerabilitea mediului costier al Deltei Dunării la factorii de risc meteo-marin CNCSIS NR. 7009. Grant CNCSIS nr. 7009, 1997-1998
The influence of changes in the sea-atmosphere-land interactions over the evolution of the deltaic and lagunar romanian coast. Grant CNCSIS 1999-2001
Studiul ţărmului cu faleză la sud de Capul Tuzla în vederea stabilirii potenţialului de risc. Grant CNCSIS 2002-2005.
Books / Chapter books
Constantinescu, St., (2012), Analiza geomorfologica a tarmului cu faleza intre Capul Midia si Vama Veche, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti, DOI:10.5682/9786065915244, ISBN: 978-606-591-524-4.
Constantinescu, St., (2014), Geografia mărilor și oceanelor din perspectiva geomaticii, Editura Universitară, București, ISBN 978-606-28-0075-8.
Constantinescu, St., (2014), Various approaches to the Danube Delta: from maps to reality, chapter book in The Biopolitics of the Danube Delta: Nature, History, Policies., Editors: Constantin Iordachi and Kristof van Assche, Lexington Books, ISBN 978-0-7391-9514-7.
Constantinescu, St., Achim, D., Rus, I., Giosan, L., (2015), Embanking the Lower Danube: From natural to engineered floodplains and back, chapter book in Geomorphology and management of embanked floodplains: North American and European fluvial systems in an era of global environmental change, Editors: Paul Hudson and Hans Middelkoop, Springer Books
Constantinescu, St., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Giosan, L., (2010), A cartographical perspective to the engineering works at the Sulina mouth, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., Vol. 45(1), pp. 71–79. ISSN 1217-8977, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 0,288
Constantinescu, St., (2011), Wave-cut niches on the Romanian sea-cliff shore, Studii şi Cercetări Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa Năsăud, Geology-Geography, 15, 57-66
Constantinescu, St., Budileanu, M. (2008), Costineşti shoreline evolution between 1924-2005, Studii şi Cercetări Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa Năsăud, Geology-Geography, 13, 55-60
Constantinescu, St., (2007), A spatial data infrastructure for the Romanian littoral zone, Infrastructures and Engineering for Knowledge Society, Romania Academy Library, December 2007.
Constantinescu, St., (2004), The evolution of Cape Midia’s shore sector in the period 1883-2002, Revista de Geomorfologie, Nr. 6, 103-108
Liviu Giosan, Marco J. L. Coolen, Jed O. Kaplan, Stefan Constantinescu, Florin Filip, Mariana Filipova-Marinova, Albert J. Kettner & Nick Thom, (2012), Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System, Scientific Report Volume: 2 Published: 2012, doi:10.1038/srep00582, Articol.
Liviu Giosan, Peter D. Clift, Mark G. Macklin, Dorian Q. Fuller, Stefan Constantinescu, Julie A. Durcan, Thomas Stevens, Geoff A. T. Duller, Ali R. Tabrez, Kavita Gangal, Ronojoy Adhikari, Anwar Alizai, Florin Filip, Sam VanLaningham, and James P. M. Syvitski, (2012) Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, May 29, 2012, 109 (22). doi: 10.1073/pnas.1112743109. Articol. ISI® Impact factor: 9,771
Giugăl, A., Johnson, R., Constantinescu, St., (2011), Democratic Musical Chairs? Romania’s Post-1989 Electoral Geography, Space and Polity, Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 143-161(19), ISSN 1356-2576, Online ISSN: 1470-1235, Abstract
Giosan, L., Filip, F., Constantinescu, St., (2009), Was the Black Sea catastrophically flooded in the early Holocene?, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 28, Issues 1-2, January 2009, Pages 1-6, ISSN 0277-3791, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 3,693
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Constantinescu, St, Tătui, F., Giosan, L., (2007) Morphodynamics of the Danube delta coast: multi-decadal evolution and North Atlantic Oscillation Influences, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50, ICS 2007 Proceedings, Australia, 157-162
Giosan, L., Constantinescu, St., Clift, P.D., Tabrez, P.D., Danish, M., Inam, A., (2006), Recent morphodynamics of the Indus delta shore and shelf, Continental Shelf Research, Volume 26, Issue 14, September 2006, Pages 1668-1684, ISSN 0278-4343, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 2,136
Giosan, L., J. P. Donnelly, Constantinescu, St., F. Filip, I. Ovejanu, A. Vespremeanu-Stroe, E. Vespremeanu and G. A. T. Duller., (2006), Young Danube delta documents stable Black Sea level since the middle Holocene: Morphodynamic, paleogeographic, and archaeological implications, Geology, 34/9, pp. 757-760, 2006, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 3,887
Adresa: Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Bld. N. Balcescu, nr. 1, Sector 4, Bucuresti
Evolutia coastelor
Evolutia coastelor pe baza tehnicilor de cartografie istorica
Geomorfologia tarmurilor cu faleza
GIS & Teledetectie aplicate in mediul costier
Alte Domenii
Membru fondator al proiectului care promovează tehnologiile si conceptele open-source in Romania
ESPOSS: Earth Science Data Access and Processing Service for Black Sea, European Space Agency Romanian Industry Incentive Scheme. Beneficiar ESA (European Space Agency). Durata: 2013-2015. Director de proiect: Florin Șerban. Valoarea proiectului: 121.918 Euro. Funcția: membru
LeoWorks 4.0 Image processing/Geographic Information System (GIS) software for educational purposes, Programul ESA EDUSPACE. Beneficiar ESA (European Space Agency). Durata: 2007-prezent. Director de proiect: Florin Șerban. Valoarea proiectului: 670.000 Euro. Funcția: membru
JICA. The Study on Protection and Rehabilitation of the Southern Romanian Balck Sea Shore in Romania, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Ministry of Environment and Water Management, Romania; membru
INDUS DELTA PROJECT: Nature and timing of sediment flux rates from the Indus river to the Arabian Sea during the Holocene. a collaborative project supported by the US National Science Foundation to study the Holocene evolution of the Indus delta. 2004-2007; membru, responsabil pe partea de analiză GIS şi Teledetecţie.
Masterplan for the protection against erosion of the Romanian Black Sea coast. Beneficiar: APELE ROMÂNE, Dobrogea Litoral. Manager: Halcrow, Director UB: Viorel Ungureanu, – membru
GeoSpace: Centrul de Geomatică destinat pregătirii complementare a cadrelor didactice preuniversitare din domeniul Geografiei – POSDRU/87/1.3/S/57378 , Proiect cofinanţat prin Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 Axa prioritară 1 „Educaţia şi formarea profesională în sprijinul creşterii economice şi dezvoltării societăţii bazate pe cunoaştere” , Domeniul major de intervenţie 1.3. „Dezvolatarea resurselor umane în educaţie şi formare profesională”.(2010-2013). Funcția ocupată: expert formator.
Dezvoltarea de noi produse derivate din date satelitare adaptate cerintelor utilizatorilor din domeniul gestionarii situatiilor de risc hidro-meteorologic” (RISCASAT), Proiect Nr. 81-037, Încheiat în cadrul Programului 4 – PARTENERIATE IN DOMENIILR PRIORITARE DIRECTIA DE CERCETARE D8 – Spatiu si Securitate, Director Universitatea din Bucureşti: Ştefan Constantinescu.
Impactul schimbărilor climatice asupra dinamicii holocene şi actuale a mediilor alpine din Carpaţii României. Implicaţii în gestiunea riscului şi amenajarea peisajului. GRANT CEEX, Director: Petru Urdea. Membru
Impactul variabilitatii climatice si al interventiilor antropice asupra regimului hidrologic al Dunarii si al dinamicii sedimentare costiere, GRANT CEEX Nr. 9603/ X2C20, Director de proiect Iuliana Armas. Membru
Gura de varsare a bratului Sfantu Gheorghe – elaborarea modelelor privind dinamica reliefului, distributia sedimentelor si dispersia maselor de apa; GRANT CNCSIS 2005-2007; membru
Coordonator în cadrul Proiectului Romania Digitala 2004-prezent
Vulnerabilitea mediului costier al Deltei Dunării la factorii de risc meteo-marin CNCSIS NR. 7009. Grant CNCSIS nr. 7009, 1997-1998
The influence of changes in the sea-atmosphere-land interactions over the evolution of the deltaic and lagunar romanian coast. Grant CNCSIS 1999-2001
Studiul ţărmului cu faleză la sud de Capul Tuzla în vederea stabilirii potenţialului de risc. Grant CNCSIS 2002-2005.
Constantinescu, St., (2012), Analiza geomorfologica a tarmului cu faleza intre Capul Midia si Vama Veche, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti, DOI:10.5682/9786065915244, ISBN: 978-606-591-524-4.
Constantinescu, St., (2014), Geografia mărilor și oceanelor din perspectiva geomaticii, Editura Universitară, București, ISBN 978-606-28-0075-8.
Constantinescu, St., (2014), Various approaches to the Danube Delta: from maps to reality, chapter book in The Biopolitics of the Danube Delta: Nature, History, Policies., Editors: Constantin Iordachi and Kristof van Assche, Lexington Books, ISBN 978-0-7391-9514-7.
Constantinescu, St., Achim, D., Rus, I., Giosan, L., (2015), Embanking the Lower Danube: From natural to engineered floodplains and back, chapter book in Geomorphology and management of embanked floodplains: North American and European fluvial systems in an era of global environmental change, Editors: Paul Hudson and Hans Middelkoop, Springer Books
Constantinescu, St., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Giosan, L., (2010), A cartographical perspective to the engineering works at the Sulina mouth, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., Vol. 45(1), pp. 71–79. ISSN 1217-8977, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 0,288
Constantinescu, St., (2011), Wave-cut niches on the Romanian sea-cliff shore, Studii şi Cercetări Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa Năsăud, Geology-Geography, 15, 57-66
Constantinescu, St., Budileanu, M. (2008), Costineşti shoreline evolution between 1924-2005, Studii şi Cercetări Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa Năsăud, Geology-Geography, 13, 55-60
Constantinescu, St., (2007), A spatial data infrastructure for the Romanian littoral zone, Infrastructures and Engineering for Knowledge Society, Romania Academy Library, December 2007.
Constantinescu, St., (2004), The evolution of Cape Midia’s shore sector in the period 1883-2002, Revista de Geomorfologie, Nr. 6, 103-108
Liviu Giosan, Marco J. L. Coolen, Jed O. Kaplan, Stefan Constantinescu, Florin Filip, Mariana Filipova-Marinova, Albert J. Kettner & Nick Thom, (2012), Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System, Scientific Report Volume: 2 Published: 2012, doi:10.1038/srep00582, Articol.
Liviu Giosan, Peter D. Clift, Mark G. Macklin, Dorian Q. Fuller, Stefan Constantinescu, Julie A. Durcan, Thomas Stevens, Geoff A. T. Duller, Ali R. Tabrez, Kavita Gangal, Ronojoy Adhikari, Anwar Alizai, Florin Filip, Sam VanLaningham, and James P. M. Syvitski, (2012) Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, May 29, 2012, 109 (22). doi: 10.1073/pnas.1112743109. Articol. ISI® Impact factor: 9,771
Giugăl, A., Johnson, R., Constantinescu, St., (2011), Democratic Musical Chairs? Romania’s Post-1989 Electoral Geography, Space and Polity, Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 143-161(19), ISSN 1356-2576, Online ISSN: 1470-1235, Abstract
Giosan, L., Filip, F., Constantinescu, St., (2009), Was the Black Sea catastrophically flooded in the early Holocene?, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 28, Issues 1-2, January 2009, Pages 1-6, ISSN 0277-3791, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 3,693
Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Constantinescu, St, Tătui, F., Giosan, L., (2007) Morphodynamics of the Danube delta coast: multi-decadal evolution and North Atlantic Oscillation Influences, Journal of Coastal Research, SI 50, ICS 2007 Proceedings, Australia, 157-162
Giosan, L., Constantinescu, St., Clift, P.D., Tabrez, P.D., Danish, M., Inam, A., (2006), Recent morphodynamics of the Indus delta shore and shelf, Continental Shelf Research, Volume 26, Issue 14, September 2006, Pages 1668-1684, ISSN 0278-4343, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 2,136
Giosan, L., J. P. Donnelly, Constantinescu, St., F. Filip, I. Ovejanu, A. Vespremeanu-Stroe, E. Vespremeanu and G. A. T. Duller., (2006), Young Danube delta documents stable Black Sea level since the middle Holocene: Morphodynamic, paleogeographic, and archaeological implications, Geology, 34/9, pp. 757-760, 2006, Abstract, ISI® Impact factor: 3,887